>you would be wise to not take your salty asshurt self from salty and asshurt to criminally liable. Understand?
>>2059955 bwahahaha BO told your whiny liddle bitch ass! lmfao
>Ministers rehearse Queen's death for first time in secret exercise
can't come soon enough!
>I had to phone her husband to get her to stop harassing me.
Are you sure it wasn't AntiLeaf? lmao
>I've never left.
Because you're a needy liddle fuckwit that can't handle the fact you got shit canned for being a fucktard! deal with it, you whiny lil bitch!
>Sorry folks. I've had enough. I ain't buying it anymore. Deleting my Q drops app and getting back to my life. Peace out.
pussy! don't let the door hit your bitch ass on the wat out! lol idiot shill!