Anonymous ID: af783e July 6, 2018, 3:34 p.m. No.2060028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0042 >>0046 >>0048 >>0054 >>0055 >>0060 >>0063 >>0076 >>0133 >>0164 >>0213 >>0268 >>0287 >>0322 >>0332 >>0430 >>0499 >>0522 >>0528 >>0793

Theory as to why the board is going all to hell with shills, clowns, twitterfags, idiots, derailing, sliding, etc…


The people who believe in Q are basically doing what I'm doing… sitting back and waiting. We're tired of working… we're tired of digging.. we're tired of FIGHTING with the above mentioned shills, clowns, etc… we're tired of having egg on our faces whenever we come to the defense of Q.


Our confidence is shaken… our resolve is pretty much broken… so the trash has been able to take over.


The death blow was the AF1 fake stock reflection photo. It was FAR too easy for the haters to dismiss as a fake. If it wasn't a fake, it sure as hell wasn't definitively genuine enough to be able to tell the haters to STFU about Q being a LARP, etc… it was far too ambiguous… it gave the enemy ammunition…


And now we are back on our heels, going… "WTF Q!?!?"


So we stop posting… and nature abhors a vacuum… so the vacuum is filled with utter shit… shitposting, shills, clowns, etc…


So yeah… to counter ALL of that, we need something fucking SOLID. Something DEFINITIVELY PROVABLE… it's time for Q to come out of hiding and PULL THE GODDAMNED TRIGGER ALREADY!

Anonymous ID: af783e July 6, 2018, 3:50 p.m. No.2060230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0251 >>0261 >>0263 >>0308




Not anymore.


Q has strung me along for too long now. He has breached TRUST too many times with his promises that never appear.


He says "trust the plan"? No.

He has ALSO said that Potus decided to move up the timeline and it was time to ramp up the attacks…

He has also said that BOOMS would be coming, but then they never actually appeared.


No more trust.


I feel like a battered spouse, being told "I love you… but I beat you because I love you… don't leave me, I'll change!"




Q made his own bed with this… and now he has to accept the consequences of his own failed prophecy and broken promises.


I am not here to join a fucking CULT. I will not simply blindly follow, and no rational human being would!

Anonymous ID: af783e July 6, 2018, 3:53 p.m. No.2060271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0281


Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm a clown, I get it… of course I'm a clown.


Because anyone who doesn't blindly follow the cult leader is automatically the enemy… uh huh… right… you just keep on believing that.

Anonymous ID: af783e July 6, 2018, 4:06 p.m. No.2060466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0490 >>0600 >>0705




This right here is the problem.


We don't know that's what Q and POTUS are ACTUALLY FUCKING DOING… all we have are guesses, speculation, and fucking EMPTY PROMISES that have not born any fruit yet.


But you are wanting SO DESPERATELY to believe… to believe you're part of something EPIC and AMAZING… you want SO DESPERATELY to believe that you are seeing all of the evil in the world being conquered… that you have forgotten to QUESTION IT ALL and demand PROOF!




I have seen proof that Q is legitimately part of Trump's inner circle. THAT is not in question.


But I have NOT seen proof that anything is being DONE about the evil in the world, or that there IS a fucking "plan" to trust!




NOTHING that couldn't be easily coincidence… NOTHING pointing Q and Trump to being the people responsible for taking down this evil.


80% of the Q Proofs are utter shit, easily explained away with Occam's Razor. Another 10% require the mind of a deranged X-Files-Loving autistic 45 year old with tinfoil on his head and still living in his mother's basement to really "grasp"… There's a few that are very convincing, and those are what brought me on board in the first place…


But FOR FUCK'S SAKE people… You are being turned into mindless cultists who have stopped fucking QUESTIONING anything!

Anonymous ID: af783e July 6, 2018, 4:21 p.m. No.2060672   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks for this…


And thanks for the Q post reminding us all of EXACTLY what I have been saying here.


Trust is earned… not blind…


And yet, I say it and I'm told to kill myself, told that I'm a clown… accused of being a shill.


Fuck all those people… they're the clowns and shills.


Listen, I was a #NeverTrump guy back in the day. I was a Ted Cruz fan in the primaries. I hated Trump's treatment of Cruz and other candidates. I thought he was a fucking clown.


He has proved me wrong. I am 100% behind him. I see what he's up to, and I understand his tactics and the necessity of them. He's playing the media and democrats like a fiddle.


I have also been, for a VERY long time, saying that the Democrat Party is, itself, a criminal organization. It is not a political party as much as it's a fucking Mafia-like criminal enterprise.


Even as a Never Trump libertarian conservative, when I heard Trump say "because you'd be in jail"… I hooted and hollered so loud (while I was driving, so no one else heard me)… I was ECSTATIC that he said that, and it's what ultimately made me decide to vote for him in the end.


Because I KNOW IN MY HEART AND WITH ALL OF MY RATIONAL MIND that HRC is a fucking murderer and traitor to this country, and she needs to see JUSTICE done before she dies… if she dies a natural death without having been found guilty of crimes against this country and against humanity… she will have gotten off far too easy.


So yeah, I'm with ya… I'm 100% on board with the notion that there's a ton of evil in the world, and it runs deep!


And I 100% get it that you can't dismantle it overnight…


But GODDAMNIT, promises were made! And if it was too soon to reveal it all to the world, then Q dun fucked up by revealing it all too early! HE NEVER SHOULD HAVE SHOWED HIS FACE TO US if what he was doing would lead to this moment we are facing right now, with the result being him STRINGING US ALL ALONG with unkept promises and with us telling all of our friends and neighbors about all this shit that's about to go down… only for us to look like FOOLS with egg on our faces, because … well… that "conspiracy theory you believe in just didn't work out, did it…"


Great… now I'm the boy who cried wolf… now, next time people hear that HRC is a fucking criminal and traitor… they're LESS likely to believe it, because they've heard it before and nothing came of it… and it was all from this discredited "conspiracy theory" that didn't come true…


So yeah… ugh… I've typed enough.