Anonymous ID: 883b4a March 21, 2024, 8:14 a.m. No.20601584   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I was in a meeting at a large local government in MN recently. Couple of interesting observations:

  1. During an ice breaker, everyone was asked what country they would want to live in if given the chance. Every person of color listed the country their family came from (even if born in the US) and said because of the climate and food. None of them are happy living in MN.

  2. The agency has hired predominantly young women for the last 5 years. Many of them are now having children. Because they get 6 months maternity leave, are allowed to change a full time job to half time when they come back, and mostly perfer to plan social events vs the job they were hired to do, inspections the agency is responsible for are now years behind. On top of being supported in child bearing, some are now quitting to be full time moms any way.

3.Out of a two hour meeting one quarter of the time was spent learning about Ramadan. Beyond being told about the 2 billion adherents, the praying and animal sacrifice, we were told we should not scheduled meetings that would interfere with with adherents practice of their faith. So much for the separation of church and state.