I did not create it, I swiped it, because I thought it was pretty clever as well.
Only pure Whites are considered to be White.
Anyone who is not pure White has been genetically reduced to the dustbin of POC.
I don't adhere to White Supremacy, but since Whites have been given that label, why not embrace it.
Did you ever notice that people who are Jewish make a point of telling people that they are Jewish? It's because they are White, but they just consider themselves to be exclusive of all other White people.
That's a good idea.
But it's sort of like the Aesop's Fable about Who Will Bell the Cat?
They are never going to put this restriction upon themselves.
The foxes are guarding the hen house.
Well then you can just content yourself with White Guilt.
They set a trap for White People, damned if you do and damned if you don't.
White Supremacy and White Guilt
All Whites are Racist.
But Jews don't consider themselves to be White, they consider themselves to be God's Chosen People. The Ultimate Tribe.
Hispanic people are half Caucasian and half Asiatic.
From Spain and then mixed with Asiatic.
How does that come to be Jewish?
That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
And who cares about Jews anyways, except for Jews?
God's Chosen people ended with the birth of Christ. Now everyone who believes that Jesus is the Promised Messiah is God's Chosen People.
The Jews nowadays have missed that boat and are still at the dock waiting for it to show up.
Jesus was the last Jew.
Anyone can call themselves a Jew.
The Tribe of people who call themselves Jews are just a bunch of criminals that rely on dirty tricks to perpetuate their ruse.
There will be no Middle Class.
That is their goal.
1% Filthy Rich
99% Dirt Poor (slaves)
The Migrants, Illegals, etc. are just pawns in the game. They will never be allowed to be Middle Class.
She didn't know she was pregnant until she was already in her 3rd trimester?
Sorry, but maybe survival of the fittest applies. Apples don't fall far from their trees.
This would make Jews the stupidest people on the face of the Earth.
Are you calling Jews stupid?
That makes you antisemitic.
Letitia is just their Useful Arrogant, Ignorant, Black, Female Idiot.
When they have used her for their purposes, they will throw her onto the trash heap.
What's gonna happen to all of those New York Jews? Their city is going to shit.
That's exactly what I just said.
You are calling God stupid.
You can call God whatever you want.
And He can call you whatever He wants.
Your reading comprehension is what is lacking here.
I stated something plain and simple.
It's not my fault if you can't comprehend it.
Free Will is a myth perpetuated by Hollyweird/Pedowood.
This is a war between Good vs Evil.
God is Good
Satan is Evil
Anyone who is not a Christian but considers themselves to be on the side of Good, is riding on the coattails of Christians. They might not know it, but they are.
Because Christianity is The Big Picture.
God created Christianity.
People did not create Christianity.
If you have a problem with Christianity, take it up with God.
God decides who is saved and who isn't.
People don't get to make that decision because people aren't God.
Free Will is a myth because it gives people the power that belongs to God.
>some of us aren't keen on trading one pair of shackles for another
God is not a God of slavery.
God sets people free from slavery.
If you created the universe, would you want someone else to take credit for it?
He calls Himself, I Am
Exodus 3:14
New International Version
14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.[a] This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”
Read full chapter
Trump has all of their moves figured out way in advance.
No, that wasn't God, that was you.
You aren't God.
Nice try though.
Here, have a (you) shekel.
Why are you attacking Jews and the God who revealed Himself to them?
Are you antisemitic?