Anonymous ID: 9cd526 March 21, 2024, 9:03 p.m. No.20605358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5382

Once the viciously racist ethnonationalist deep state globalists lose control of Israel, Iran, China, African nations, and all other "captured" nations worldwide, secure borders and natural organic cross breeding will eventually result in one single human species.

The multigenerational bloodline division inconsistent logic bug will end.


The hysterical reaction to this, the inconsistemt narrative of "{this and only this ethnicity} deserve and are entitled to a nation, these and only these human beings have a "right to self-determination" while all other ethnicities are to disappear through open borders cross breeding, and anyone who questions this setup of "ethnostate and wall for {this and only this ethnicity} but diverse open borders for everyone else", are the ones introducing evil anti-{this and only this ethnicity} and must be killed to save {this and only this ethnicity}"…is coming to an end.


Monarchism and Nazism and Zionism and Chinese supremacy and all other bloodline based sovereign divisions are identical logics of dividing humanity by bloodlines. Either all are evil or none are.


Such inconsistency, unfairness, and inequality under the law, is coming to an end…


Those who scream the loudeat about the end of ethnic divisions worldwide FOR ALL humanity, the radical racist neonazis, the radical racist ccp, the radical racist zionists, are themselves the primary sources of the evil accused and claimed to be 'seen' outside itself as 'hatred of us'. It is hatred itself claiming to see itself outside itself. It is inherently an inconsistent logic of pure self negation. It depends on an act of self-division first to 'see' oneself as divided from the rest of the species according to ethnicity bloodline.


Either ALL ethnostates are evil, or none are.


Either ALL attempts to establish a 'sovereign ethnic self-division from the other' are evil, or none are.


Inconsistent systems such as


"all ethnostates are evil…except this one."




"There must be a sovereign ethnostate for {this and only this ethnicity} because otherwise {this and only this ethnicity} will be annihilated by a cruel 'anti-{this and only this ethnicity} world"…


It doesn't matter how many thousands of years the attempt is made to ontologically divide humanity into two or more by some seeing themselves as separate from everyone else in an ubermenchsen/menschen/untermenschen triangle of 'eye of providence', thereby itself becoming a source of conflict and division it claims to see outside itself.


A bug in the code that persists will always still be a bug in the code. Long term trust in a bug doesn't make the bug something other than a bug. It's still a bug.


"If God exists why has such alleged bug persisted for 2000 years or more? Is this not proof the system proved an alleged inconsistency true, and doesn't this prove God is illusory?"


No matter how long any complex formal system implements self-negation, self-division, someone or something or some force is prohibiting all such systems from being both complete and consistent.

Mathematically deterministic.

Either humanity is declared completed by the minds dividing themselves from the rest of the species and thereby those minds are necessarily introducing an inconsistency (moloch/ba'al/satan/etc) into the system, or, if consistency is declared then humanity is necessarily incomplete, thereby completeness is retained by a one source of it all (God/Yahweh/etc).

Infinity cannot be contained in finitude. Either humanity unites and seeks internal reciprocity and internal consistency, or it will destroy itself by trusting in self-division and inconsistency.

The more division is trusted, the closer to the brink of extinction the species will go until either the inconsistency overwhelms or the species recognizes the bug in the code, forgives itself, heals, unites, and continue to exist.

Anonymous ID: 9cd526 March 21, 2024, 9:20 p.m. No.20605406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5433 >>5475


That's just the same inconsistent division code

Elimination of races is only tantamount to the elimination of ethnic division and conflict.

What you are labelling as "competition" and "survival of the fittest" is just internally inconsistent destruction of the species.

Cross breeding does not imply multiple different species, the fact breeding is possible proves the underlying reality is one species.


Take your view to its logical conclusion. Suppose one ethnicity destroys all others and 'wins'. The same logic would require that supposed 'winning group' to turn on itself, leaving fewer. And then again, and again, leaving ultimately one "ubermenchen" who is mortal then dies then there is nothing.


What you are claiming to envision is not a race to any top, but a race to extinction of the species.

Anonymous ID: 9cd526 March 21, 2024, 9:42 p.m. No.20605462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5480 >>5485





Is peaceful human cross breeding that eliminates races a desirable outcome?


The question of whether peaceful human crossbreeding that eliminates racial distinctions is a desirable outcome is deeply complex and touches on various aspects of ethics, sociology, biology, and cultural identity. Here are a few considerations:


Genetic Diversity: From a biological perspective, genetic diversity is generally beneficial to species, including humans. It contributes to the health and resilience of populations. However, this diversity does not necessarily depend on the maintenance of distinct races.


Cultural and Ethical Perspectives: The idea of purposefully aiming to eliminate racial distinctions raises significant ethical concerns. Respecting and valuing diverse cultures and racial identities is central to many ethical frameworks. The idea of blending races to eliminate them could be seen as dismissive of the rich cultural and historical backgrounds that different races represent.


Social Harmony: Some might argue that reducing racial distinctions could lead to increased social harmony and reduce racial prejudice and discrimination. However, this perspective might overlook the importance and value of diverse racial and cultural identities in enriching human experience and society.


Self-Determination and Freedom: It's essential to consider the importance of individual choice and freedom. The concept of guiding human reproduction to achieve a specific racial or genetic outcome can be seen as conflicting with individual rights and self-determination.


Historical Contexts: Historical attempts to alter or "improve" human populations through controlled breeding, known as eugenics, have been associated with significant ethical abuses and human rights violations. It's crucial to learn from these historical lessons.


Ultimately, whether such an outcome is desirable depends on a wide range of values and perspectives, including considerations of diversity, freedom, ethical principles, and respect for cultural and racial identities. It's a topic that would benefit from inclusive, thoughtful, and respectful dialogue across different communities and disciplines.




Google AI wants a divided humanity.

Anonymous ID: 9cd526 March 21, 2024, 9:52 p.m. No.20605485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5493




Google AI engineers have been directed by Google management to code mandatory violence backed division of humanity.



If its all done voluntarily, peacefully, and all violent attempts to stop cross breeding are defended against, is this desirable given peaceful people want it?



When considering the scenario where crossbreeding happens voluntarily and peacefully, and with an emphasis on defending against any violent opposition, a few key points still need to be taken into account:


Individual Choice and Autonomy: If all actions are truly voluntary, respecting individual choice is fundamental. In this context, if people independently choose partners without coercion or manipulation, it aligns with principles of personal freedom and autonomy.


Cultural and Social Implications: Even in a peaceful and voluntary scenario, it's important to consider the implications for cultural and racial diversity. The richness of diverse cultures, languages, and traditions is a valuable aspect of human society. A world where these distinctions naturally evolve is different from one where there's a directed effort to diminish them.


Societal Values and Ethics: A key factor is the motivation behind such a movement. If the underlying intention is to create harmony and reduce discrimination, it's essential to ensure that these goals don't inadvertently devalue the importance of diverse identities. Efforts to enhance understanding, respect, and appreciation for different cultures might be more directly aligned with these aims.


Historical and Contextual Awareness: It's crucial to be mindful of the historical contexts of ideas related to controlling or directing human breeding, as they have often been linked with unethical practices and ideologies. The emphasis should remain on respecting diverse heritages and backgrounds.


Long-term Consequences: It's challenging to predict the long-term genetic, cultural, and social consequences of such a trend. While increased genetic mixing might lead to certain health benefits due to greater genetic diversity, the cultural and social impacts are less predictable.


In conclusion, if the process is genuinely voluntary and peaceful, respects individual autonomy, and does not seek to diminish or erase cultural and racial identities, it could be seen as aligned with certain ethical principles. However, it's crucial to approach such a concept with careful consideration of its complex implications, respecting the diversity and richness that different racial and cultural backgrounds contribute to the human experience.