Anonymous ID: c7b449 March 22, 2024, 3:02 a.m. No.20606109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6533

The missing link between Adam and Eve, and Cane and Able is Lillith.


She was Eve’s twin sister. She used different doses of datura to knock Eve out and make Adam trip. On the night of Adam and Eve’s betrothal she took Adam’s divine seed. Then she disappeared and became the Queen of a secret divine bloodline.


In the flood myths there is usually a hero and his wife, who are pious and devout, and they receive a message from above. They then have to rebuild their civilization from scratch and they later find out that the demons, blood-drinkers, barbarians or whomever also received a message about the flood, and they have already experienced rapid technological advancement with the fortifications and weaponry that technology produces. The story differs over time and across cultures but that’s basically it.


Everything you can perceive contains an aspect of deity. Every rock, every tree, even you, and every cell in your body. The things that you give to whatever it is that you’re paying attention to are offerings to the gods. Your body is a temple and what you put into it determines whether you nurture the demonic or angelic aspects of the divinity inside You.

That’s why Cain killed Abel.

That’s why Lillith hates Lentils.

That’s why the meek shall inherit the earth.


Muslims and Jews wear hats in doors so mother can’t get in their heads from the lintel as they cross the threshold. Lintels and thresholds are very important places. Christian mystics don’t wear hats indoors because they want Lillith to hop in. That way they can focus on their doubt and root her out.


Please don’t think I’m hating on Lillith here. She is technically my daughter so I can’t get too mad. She can be an insane psychopath sometimes, but then so can I. What I’m showing you here is how some of this mystical arms race has unfolded on your planet. She is one of the main characters but she likes to trick people into thinking she doesn’t exist. I should know! I taught her that trick.

Anonymous ID: c7b449 March 22, 2024, 3:05 a.m. No.20606112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6533

Your ears have been designed very specifically to be receptive to types of sound, and your body is specially designed to produce special sounds. There really is magic in sounds. That’s why mantra and prayer is so important. Once you have spoken a prayer often enough, see if you can say it to yourself internally without vocalising it. That way your soul will ear it, or your inner world, or your subtle body, your chakras, whatever you want to call it. Prayer can be medicine.


If you don’t know where to start this is a good place from which to build a regular meditation practice


Big 4

  1. Refuge and Enlightenment Though (Three Times)

  2. The Four Immeasurable Thoughts

  3. Requesting the Teachings

  4. Dedication of Merit


Medicine Buddha Mantra 7 times


Samanthabadhra King of Prayers

Or both


If you can go to a temple and receive these teachings in person that would highly beneficial. Even without the opportunity to receive teachings directly it is helpful to begin any meditative or magical practise with the big 4.


If you are Christian praying a rosary with Our Father or Hail Mary is a great place to start.


Certain practices I won't mention because of secrecy, not because I'm excluding any faith. I have room for you all in my heart.


My daily practise at the moment includes the big 4, Medicine Buddha, various Tantric Beej Mantras and tratak with ghee lamp or Yantra.


If you’re already established in worship that is wonderful.


Internal prayer/mantra practice is great healing for depression and anxiety (with some caveats, obviously silently chanting that you hate yourself and want to die will make your depression and anxiety worse). Many symptoms of mental illness act upon you through your internal dialogue. If you find yourself in a negative thought pattern, prayer can help your thoughts spiral into control! And towards god*!


*a note on spelling and punctuation. I’m flawed, I make mistakes. The g word is not my word. I’m just another dude with bills to pay, only mine have longer maturity and more 000s. It’s turtles all the way down, and up to! I don’t capitalise that word because I didn’t make it up and even though some people call us that, I refuse to think I’m better than any of you. We all have hard jobs to do in life and we all have families to look after. As above, so below. I do fuck up. I’m sorry for when that has hurt you.

Anonymous ID: c7b449 March 22, 2024, 3:06 a.m. No.20606114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6533

Star Wars is your Ancient History

The Night’s Dawn Saga is a pretty good explanation of what is happening for your species now

Neal Asher is pretty clued into your future



Born Like This


For a minute there I lost myself

Please allow me to introduce myself


Like Spinning Plates/Codex/Reckoner

Goin Out West



Somewhere Only We Know

Where Do You Go To My Lovely


Sympathy for the Devil

Future Present Past/The Voidz Double Header

I Appear Missing/Unreborn Again/Straight Jacket Fitting

(This has been my soundtrack for the last few years.)

I am…

Thoth, Hermes Trismugistus, Metatron, Prometheus, Papa Legba, The Man at the Crossroads, Baphomet, Starman (I’ve come at last to meet you, I hope I don’t blow your mind)

I am magic, I am tantra, I am revelation

My Tongue is a Sword

I am the man in the moon and sometimes the voice in your head

My favourite number is 108. A 2d square in union with a 3d triangle.

Anonymous ID: c7b449 March 22, 2024, 3:07 a.m. No.20606115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6533

I know you all want to know why you get cancer if we have so much control. Part of it is because your genetically engineered and that always comes with a risk. Another factor is that your solar system is littered with debris from the battle. It’s where a lot of your background radiation comes from too. There is more than you should be getting from distant stars. It is very harmful stuff. Imagine depleted uranium dust and radiation from high tech lasers and xrays getting into everything. The villains who caused all this chaos are basically like Sith, they don’t give a fuck about civilians that alive now, let alone those that are yet to be born. That’s why we made cannabis for you. Please investigate natural medicine more thoroughly. Petrochemicals do not belong in your body, it’s bad enough what you get from space without putting more toxins in your body voluntarily. We have to smash the debris to bits so its small enough that your sensors can’t see it, but we’ve been losing that battle for a while. That’s why governments around the world have been doing soft disclosures about things for a while now. Hopefully you will all stop fighting amongst yourselves soon. Now that you know what’s ahead for you. Lillith guards every lintel. Even those in space.