They did a pretty good job on this replacement. You will all accept this as the face of Kate.
btw…when did Kate get a crooked nose?
They did a pretty good job on this replacement. You will all accept this as the face of Kate.
btw…when did Kate get a crooked nose?
Yeah, i think Zelensky better go hide in his bunker where it's safe.
Island genetics?
Uh, oh…i'm detecting a disturbance in the force.
>Medvedev threatens Ukraine's top officials will be 'destroyed mercilessly as terrorists'
Nothing more manly than a decapitation strike during a springtime weekend, except perhaps, parading their skulls on pikes through the streets of the capital to cheering crowds.
North of Turkey in the Caucasus Mountain region.
They like to play with numbers.
Enjoy your Great Reset.
If you spell it like this: C_A, the Lan6leybot won't plant CePe here.
WHOse puppet is he?
Kate the Master Baiter.
Indicating windspeed and direction.
Actually, that would have been a TRESPASSER. In this case, one that had just violated the border of the United States. Should pin a medal on his chest.
That psychopathic glint in his eye.