Anonymous ID: 3543bc March 22, 2024, 3:22 p.m. No.20609477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9505 >>9571 >>9844


Writer Ridiculed For Asking "Where Are The Black People?" In Ancient Japan Samurai Show


A writer for lefty woke outlet Medium is facing ridicule for penning an article complaining about the lack of black actors in a new TV show about Samurai warriors in Japan in the year 1600.


The show, produced by FX, is a remake of the popular Shōgun series from 1980, which also featured no black actors.


Because it’s about ancient Japan.


“FX’s Shōgun, based on James Clavell’s bestselling novel, is set in Japan in the year 1600, at the dawn of a century-defining civil war. Lord Yoshii Toranaga (Hiroyuki Sanada) is fighting for his life as his enemies on the Council of Regents unite against him, when a mysterious European ship is found marooned in a nearby fishing village.”


There are European people in the series too, because Europeans travelled to Japan in boats at that time.


Japanese and Europeans, but no blacks? Medium writer and critical race theorist William Spivey cannot abide that.

— Asian Dawn (@AsianDawn4) March 11, 2024


He writes “The white characters appearing in the first episodes representing Portugal, Spain, England, and Holland could hardly be deemed heroic. However, the character John Blackthorne, now played by Cosmo Jarvis, is already a pivotal figure and will be a hero, along with several Japanese characters.”


”I ask the question now that I naively didn’t ask in 1980*. Where are the Black people?” he adds.

(*Shogun TV Series in 1980)


In Africa, that’s the short answer. But no, Spivey isn’t done. He goes on to claim that there absolutely were black people in Japan in 1600 and some of them were Samurai warriors.


“I don’t ask out of a desire to see representation when it wasn’t historically accurate. I inquire because there were Black people in Japan in 1600 and before, though Japan could teach Florida a thing or two about rewriting history,” he claims.


Spivey continues, “According to multiple sources, one of the early real-life Shoguns, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro (758–811), was Black, though denied by others. There is a consensus he was something other than pure Japanese, and he is often considered descended from the Ainu, the darker-skinned indigenous people of northern Japan who were subjected to forced assimilation and colonization.”



Anonymous ID: 3543bc March 22, 2024, 3:34 p.m. No.20609564   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Tyson = Bud Light KEK


< Heart of Steel - Galactic


I shoulda known betta

than to run through a ring of fire


I shoulda known betta

than to shoot with a gun for hire


Shoulda known betta


than to sit back and let it burn

Anonymous ID: 3543bc March 22, 2024, 3:53 p.m. No.20609696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9769 >>9889 >>9890 >>0004 >>0048 >>0070

Jews To Rebuke Jesus Again: Red Heifer Sacrifice on Good Friday, Day of Crucifixtion


'The state of Israel has erected a giant Altar to be used for a sacrifice of a Red Heifer (cow) to be performed on Good Friday, the day recognizing Jesus Crucifixion. 

The ashes from the pyre will take about 3 days to cool, (Easter Sunday) and will be used to "ritually cleanse" Rabbis who will work building the Third Temple.  


In the Old Testament, when Moses went up onto Mount Sinai to received the Ten Commandments, "Israel" lost faith, made themselves a Golden Calf, and began "worshiping" it   as a God.

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with those Ten Commandments, carved into stone tablets by the Hand of God Himself, he found "Israel" worshiping the Golden Calf, threw the tablets down at them, which caused an earthquake.  The ground cracked open and thousands were said to have been swallowed-up by the earth for offending God.


So here we are, thousands of years later, and now we see that "Israel (the state)" has switched from worshiping a Golden Calf, to a Red Heifer cow.


They are so hateful of Jesus (Y'Shua) they are slaughtering this Red Heifer on the very day which remembers Jesus was Crucified, and then deem to use the ashes from the cow pyre to "cleanse" the Rabbis, when, in fact, the only thing that can "cleanse" is the Blood of Jesus!   


This slaughter of a Red Heifer, as if it is "religious," is a sick affront to Christians everywhere, and likely to God Himself. There is no need for sacrificing of animals. It's an abomination. Jesus Christ was the final and ultimate sacrifice for sin for gentile and Jew alike.


Yet Jews are now showing vividly they continue to deny the Son 2000+ years later despite: "Christs redeeming act on the cross brought an end to sacrifices of heifers and other animals. The power was taken away from the religious zealots of that day and given to Christ and his church that was built upon Peter the rock. The keys were given to the church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.


This pending "sacrifice" reinforces the barbaric nature of the so-called "state" of Israel, which the world is seeing in all its Barbarism in how it is slaughtering Palestinians in Gaza. 


In my personal opinion, these are sick, degenerate people who should be cast out of world affairs.Pray the earth opens up again and swallows them up this time, too.



Anonymous ID: 3543bc March 22, 2024, 4:01 p.m. No.20609740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9758 >>9766 >>9786


"muhjoo" or "muhjoo shill" is a slur used by Jewish shills to attack any Anon who posts evidence of Organized Jewish Mafia crimes against all Gentiles.


If you call these JIDF pathetic Jewish and/or Israeli Jewish shills "muhjoo" then it confuses their slur because then the Jewish Shekel shills are themselves the "muhjoo" that they're calling the Gentile Anons.


Anonymous ID: 3543bc March 22, 2024, 4:13 p.m. No.20609812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9825 >>9836 >>9839 >>9864 >>9910 >>9980



Ben Fulford re: Kate Middleton


It looks like many British royals have already faced the ultimate penalty. The BBC has reportedly been notified to watch out for an “extremely important” royal announcement “at any moment.”


As we have already reported, a whole slew of British royals have vanished.

Now just as this report was about to go live Canadian intelligence sent us the following:


The Princess of Wales Kate Middleton was murdered in an Illuminati blood sacrifice, according to Princess Diana’s best friend who also revealed the ritual killing had long been been planned as part of the royal family’s dark occult traditions.


The fact that Kate would be offed has been an open secret among the British aristocracy for years, according to Christine Fitzgerald, who claims that just like her friend Princess Diana, Middleton was carefully chosen for the sacrificial role due to her personality and bloodline.


As the public in Britain and around the world demand the royal family release proof of life, the woman who was once Diana’s best friend is urging the world to wake up to the dark truth about the Luciferian House of Windsor.


It also looks like even more fearsome things are being planned by the KM for April.It turns out the Oklahoma National Guard will deploy guardsmen for the total solar eclipse on April 8, which is an important Jewish holy day.


Excellent Fulford Report this week:;read=238053


^^Union Flag flying at Half Mast at some Gov't buildings. Is this related to Kate Middleton's condition?

*Kate is sitting on the same bench as in photo of Princess Dianna.

Coincidence or Comms?

Anonymous ID: 3543bc March 22, 2024, 4:26 p.m. No.20609899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9942 >>9947


Ben Fulford wrote a book about David Rockefeller 20 years ago, and in his current weekly newletters has consistently EXPOSED the Satanic Rockefeller empire, and Crypto-Rockefeller spawn like Bill AND Hillary Clinton.


Try harder, shill.

Anonymous ID: 3543bc March 22, 2024, 4:30 p.m. No.20609930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9966




First Jew installed as Pope in the Vatican was around 400 years ago.


The Jesuit Order was founded by a marrano JEW IGNATIUS LOYOLA, in Spain.

Thousands of Jews joined the Jesuit Order.


Ever heard of Infiltration? Masters of Deception.

Anonymous ID: 3543bc March 22, 2024, 4:56 p.m. No.20610091   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Filtered for being a sad little clow


Telltale mark of the self-important Jew. You have to ANNOUNCE that your'e filtering anons "as if" you matter sooooooo much.


Delusional arrogance.