Anonymous ID: e8a79d March 22, 2024, 3:10 p.m. No.20609398   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20609248 (pb)

>because the nazis were the good guys

you are fucking retarded.



>good guys



They let bankers go for money (corrupt as fuck)

They were pro-vaccines

They tested vaccines on concentration camp inmates/prisoners

Forced labor

Forced children into Hitler youth (against the will of the parents, so much for pro family)

They stole money from the people to fund ww2 (pre-planned, you can't just click and war, that's impossible) (taxes still valid today)

Railed people up against groups of the own population (also seen in Ukraine)

Stole from these groups too, like the socialist scum they were

Introduced ground tax aka "you will own nothing"-Schwab

They made it so that children are FORCED to go to public school (still valid today)

They went through Eastern Europe and killed civilians like insane psychos


They were not even opposition.

Nuremberg was a joke.

Almost no one was prosecuted and the few that were, almost no one got the death penalty, prison sentences were shortened a few years later for the few that were actually prosected


the families that were operating the forced labor camps were alos not prosecuted, kept the monies

Tons went to South America, no one arrested them

Some to United States, no one arrested them

Most Nazi-doctors were able to continue on with their career

Same for parties, who supported the Nazis

Same for Nazi-judges, despite these should have been hung


You would think that an actual opposition would have been fulled killed off. The opposite of that happened.


It was obviously fully controlled.


>voting yourself out of military occupation, yeah that's plausible


Anonymous ID: e8a79d March 22, 2024, 3:14 p.m. No.20609420   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I liked the DVD commentary, which is using some RNG at the end and splits into 3 different paths.

One path says this and that is true

One path says this and that is false

3rd path goes into reverse

Anonymous ID: e8a79d March 22, 2024, 3:15 p.m. No.20609428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9475


>First says it watches Jones fraud all the time,

Link to that post please, liar.

>Then says he knows all Jones says is shit, but still watches.

Link to that post please as well, liar.

Anonymous ID: e8a79d March 22, 2024, 3:39 p.m. No.20609597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9599



>gets called out

>can't prove shit, because it's lies

You have to be really retarded to lie like that, when anyone can check the last few threads themselves.


>Everything Alex Jones says is false

>but vaccines are indeed bad, despite Alex Jones saying that vaccines are bad

Bro, you are really retarded. Go see a doctor.

You probably have brain damage.

Anonymous ID: e8a79d March 22, 2024, 3:48 p.m. No.20609662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0053


>and you might brush up on DEW'

What did you say again?

Anything Alex Jones / Infowars claims is false?


You are the most retarded shill ever.

>no, that doesn't count when he is anti-vaccines

>no, that doesn't count when he is talking about my fictional DEWs

>it only counts when I say it does


Anonymous ID: e8a79d March 22, 2024, 3:59 p.m. No.20609731   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You are a liar, and a mormon.



>First says it watches Jones fraud all the time,

>Then says he knows all Jones says is shit, but still watches.

Where is the proof for these lies, YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT LIAR.

Anonymous ID: e8a79d March 22, 2024, 4:03 p.m. No.20609750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9756


>sharing my address

You are NOT SUPPOSED to share your real regular email address on here or with anyone on here.


Heck, there are 10 minute webmail services as well, for a real temporary one. protonmail is also free.

Anonymous ID: e8a79d March 22, 2024, 4:06 p.m. No.20609771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9797


How would a temporary email expose you, when posting on here wouldn't expose you?

You can even pretend to be 10 anons/bakers and create 10 temporary emails on different services.


protonmail does not need your real email address or your phone or anything. You can just create an email account, web only, use it once, and then delete it.

Anonymous ID: e8a79d March 22, 2024, 4:17 p.m. No.20609840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9916


>choice of address

just use a random number generator, or let a cat walk over the keyboard


>why have a login if not use it.

The only reason for a login is so that you are able to put MORE text into one post.

It's that simple.

To my knowledge posts that were made using a login are not tracked, at least as far as I know.

You can even check yourself by getting your own board on here and looking for the things a BO can and can't do.


You can have 10 logins or whatever, the whole point of the login is that you can post more than regular folks.


>2nd. Seperate trackers, seperate servers, exposed to more networks.

protonmail has no trackers, and you should block these anyway.

But okay, you don't want to visit protonmail, fine. Maybe it's comp'd. It probably is comp'd.

But you think visiting this site is 100% safe?

Why would you think that?


Is there any other way to transfer a password to you over other channels? I can't think of any.


And you were the one who complained that it was too much for one post. The solution is a reporter login. There is no other way.

Anonymous ID: e8a79d March 22, 2024, 4:34 p.m. No.20609950   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The person I was arguing with claimed "space lasers" were something retards believe in.

Another lie.

The post with space lasers was a fictional convo of 2 fictional CIA glow niggers, you fucking lying piece of shit.


>If it has nothing to do with you, then ignore it?

Because I'm sick and tired of lying shills like you, who are lying non fucking stop.


>I was discussing details

You discussed jack + shit.

Why the fuck are you lying this much, when anyone can check?


Here, this is your shit post:


>>20607894 (pb)

>but Yeh, they named it "ground zero" because at some point in the future they knew and planned, they'd likely have to pretend it was a nuke;

Claim (lie) without any evidence.

It's rather the truth right in the open, because otherwise one would have to implicate the fake news, and that would be game fucking over. That's why no planes is attacked, even by truther movements.


>What do you think is the purpose of "AJ"

>If one wall of defense fails they have a back-up


So the claim is that "it wasn't nuclear demolitions because Alex Jones mentioned them", but then it can't have been fictional (no evidence of them existing) energy weapons either, because Alex Jones literally mentioned them too.


This retarded shit post would also mean that vaccines are indeed safe, because Alex Jones claims vaccines are bad.

Anonymous ID: e8a79d March 22, 2024, 4:56 p.m. No.20610096   🗄️.is 🔗kun


t. lying SCHITT


Literal quote, you lying piece of SCHITT

>>20607894 (pb)

>What do you think is the purpose of "AJ"

>If one wall of defense fails they have a back-up


>the back-up is my energy weapons

>oh wait, fuckkkkk

>no, that's a mis-quote, I meant only the nuclear explosion!!!