Anonymous ID: 089700 March 22, 2024, 7:20 p.m. No.20610930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0966 >>0972 >>1018 >>1072 >>1108 >>1404 >>1466 >>1515 >>1569 >>1662

This is so fucking sad, and gloriousI blame schools and climate change bullshitters. It makes them so afraid. This kid seems retarded


John Kennedy



Democrats want to spend $50 TRILLION to become carbon neutral & held a hearing to tell us why.


Dem witness: Carbon dioxide is "a huge part of our atmosphere."


Me: "It’s actually a very small part of our atmosphere." (0.035%)


Dem witness: "Well, okay. But, yeah. I don’t know.l



Anonymous ID: 089700 March 22, 2024, 7:39 p.m. No.20611003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1025 >>1053 >>1092 >>1466 >>1515 >>1569 >>1662

I was threatened by the January 6 committee into staying silent, Trump's acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller claims


By Katelyn Caralle, U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.Com In Washington, Dc

10:45 EDT 22 Mar 2024 , updated 11:32 EDT 22 Mar 2024


Miller told he felt 'threatened' by the January 6 Select Committee

Bombshell claims give an look inside the panel's alleged intimidation to stop a direct witness sharing a story that didn't 'fit their narrative'

Said panel wanted him to stay silent about Trump authorizing the National Guard

Donald Trump's former acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller claims the January 6 committee threatened to 'make his life hell' if he kept claiming his former boss authorized National Guard deployment during the Capitol riot.


In an exclusive interview with, the former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center said he became 'fearful' of aggressive tactics by members of the Democrat-led panel who tried to stop him speaking publicly about a narrative that didn't align with their final report.


In an exclusive interview with, the former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center said he became 'fearful' of aggressive tactics by members of the Democrat-led panel who tried to stop him speaking publicly about a narrative that didn't align with their final report.


Miller's bombshell claims follow a report by Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk that reveals the committee withheld a transcript from an interview with a top White House official where he told Vice Chair Liz Cheney and other staffers that Trump did want to deploy troops.


Cheney did not immediately respond to a request for comment on whether she or any other members of the Select Committee corresponded with witnesses in a way that could be interpreted as threatening.


Trump appointed Miller as the Pentagon chief in November 2020 after he fired Mark Esper amid attempts to overturn Joe Biden's presidential election victory.


He was only in the job for two months, but was thrust in front of the committee during their probe into the events that unfolded on the day the electoral college votes were certified.


Miller claims the members intimidated him, and warned they would repeatedly bring him in for 'hours' of additional testimony if he kept going on TV and defending the former president's actions.


At the time, Miller said, he did not have the 'resources to continue to battle' the committee and didn't want to face more depositions for speaking to media outlets about his experiences.


It was a Sean Hannity segment on June 6, 2022 featuring Miller and Trump national security official Kash Patel that seemed to 'hit a nerve,' according to the former DOD head.


'The two of us were on [the Fox News show] and the next day my lawyer got a call from the Jan. 6 staff director – I forgot exactly who it was – but basically saying, very legalistic: 'Well, if your client has additional information he wants to share, we'd be happy to have him re-interviewed,'' Miller recalled.


He continued: 'It was more that latent threat of: 'If you want to keep going on TV, we're gonna drag you in here again for additional hours of hearing testimony.' So that was the nature of that whole thing.'


'It was the latent threat of the government continuing to intrude into my life.'


Republican communications strategist Erica Knight told 'Knowing how other witnesses close to me were treated,it wouldn't surprise me if people in media were also threatened by the committee to stop discussing this issue.' ..


God Bless and Protect Chris Miller forever

Anonymous ID: 089700 March 22, 2024, 7:52 p.m. No.20611053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1161


Remember there were a lot of highly paid professional staff that were pissed off that they were hired to find out why intelligence agencies didn’t do their job and the J6 Committee blamed everything on Trump. (I’ve got the articles.)