Anonymous ID: ab682e March 23, 2024, 10:29 a.m. No.20613810   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Totally NOT 'anon' just like you if anon means:


trusting the mil

supporting deceivers, including mrna gene editing tech pushers

voting or in any way participating in politricks

being okay with UN membership and hosting

being okay with 60/40 or 80/20 revelation and not 100%

being okay with maintaining a Central Banking usury slave shitstem

being okay with ubiquitous surveillance

being supportive of the mil/intel face man Elon Musk and his myriad weapons platforms and secrets

ignoring cyclical changes including shifts, micronovas, etc

thinking govt is anything other than mind control, deception, secrecy, and predation

being okay with unconstitutional rules, orders, acts, and taxation



Still anon though, just not like you if you are good w/ the above.

Anonymous ID: ab682e March 23, 2024, 10:33 a.m. No.20613823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3825


Pharma's Alibi | The 15-Year S.M.O.N. Epidemic of Japan


An Epidemic swept through Japan from 1959 to 1973, but how come you have never heard of it? And what happened to the virus that caused it? This story is a reminder to keep our heads on straight.


In the Wake of Polio

In the 1950s, Japan was in the middle of a “war” on Polio. As such, there was a very active and well funded virological community - not unlike our own NIH.


In February 1962, Abraham Kaplan (Professor of Philosophy) gave a banquet speech at a conference of the American Educational Research Association held at UCLA. In June of the same year the Journal of Medical Education highlighted a comment by Kaplan on choice of research methodology. Referring to Kaplan’s Law of the Instrument:


Give a boy a hammer and everything he meets has to be pounded.


And so, this story begins.


The S.M.O.N. Epidemic

Reisaku Kono was studying poliovirus, which he had observed that in a few infected individuals would result in symptoms involving the central nervous system causing progressive paralysis and sometimes, death. In 1959, he observed the case of a middle-aged woman suffering from a mysterious illness that had paralyzed both of her legs. His suspicion was that this too may be the result of an as of yet unknown virus.


Hiroshi Takasaki, a professor of medicine at the university hospital caring for this woman, mentioned that he had recently observed a number of cases that were similar. In the previous year, professor Kenzo Kusui published a report of a similar case in central Japan. This patient had a combination of intestinal problems, bleeding, diarrhea, and nerve degeneration. This pattern was noticed in a few isolated cases in 1955. Kono now realized they were facing an outbreak of something new.


In the next five years, 7 major regional outbreaks of the new syndrome were observed. By 1964, 161 cases were identified. The observed growth had all the makings of an infectious outbreak.


Although the scientists who thought the disease might be related to an occupational hazard were dissuaded of the notion, some noticed important contradictions to the virus hypothesis.


the disease had a bias towards middle-aged women


less common in men


could hardly be found in children


Blood and bodily fluids showed no abnormalities


patients did not manifest systemic signs like fever, rash


To his credit, Kono noted “I was at that time engaged in poliovirus research, so I suspected such a virus to be the cause.”


However, with the 1964 Olympic Games approaching, the lack of isolated virus was little comfort to Japan. 96 new cases were diagnosed the previous year, and some people had new symptoms - like blindness.


That same year, during the 61st General Meeting of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine this disease was given a formal name: Subacute Myelo-Optico-Neuropathy AKA SMON. The Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare provided research grants, and launched a formal commission to investigate the epidemic, with Kono as one of several virologists named to the commission.


Share Remnant MD


Virus Hunt begins

Shortly after, Masahisa Shingu announced his discovery of a virus in excretions of SMON patients - classified as an echovirus. Enteri Cytopathogenic Human Orphan Virus. Orphanbecause they had been discovered incidentally during polio research, but caused no disease. He speculated that like polio, this enteric virus could breakthrough into the nervous system. He published his finding in 1965.


After three years of research trying to confirm Shingu’s claims, Kono could only report to a SMON symposium that he could not isolate the virus from patients. Moreover, he could not even find indirect evidence that the patients had previously been infected.


During this period of investigation, the team made a rather surprising observation. About half of the patients with SMON has previously been prescribed a diarrhea medication called Entero-Vioform. Another half of the patients had received a drug named Emaform. Both drugs were prescribed for early symptoms of SMON - digestive problems. This was brushed aside, as two different drugs should not cause the same new disease - plus it was a virus anyway, for sure.


The commission dissolved in 1967, without an identified pathogen. Shortly after, two rural areas saw an outbreak in Okayama province. By 1971, almost 3 percent of the local population had developed it.


If at First you don’t succeed…

In 1969, the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare formed yet another investigative body. This time with more than 10x the funding of the original 1964 commission. SMON research became the largest Japanese research program ever devoted to a single disease. This time, Kono was named as Chairman.




Anonymous ID: ab682e March 23, 2024, 10:33 a.m. No.20613825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3828


Kono understood that he needed to pursue alternative hypotheses, so he divided the commission into four sections: epidemiology, virology, pathology, and neurology. In total, 40 of the nations top scientists participated in this commission.


Despite Kono’s efforts to pursue alternative causes, this did not stop the influence of outside research from English and American virologists. In the early 1960s, Carleton Gajdusek from the United States NIH reported finding evidence of the first “slow virus” - a disease produced long after the original infection, with a latency period.


Gajdusek believed that Kuru disease (affecting natives of New Guinea) was caused by a virus. Though his methods for ‘confirming’ a viral causes were questionable at best. He ground up the diseased brains of dead Kuru victims, and injected the mixture into the brains of living monkeys. When some of the monkeys developed the same symptoms, he published his findings in Nature. The problem is, Kuru is a prion disease - similar to Mad Cow. It is infectious yes, but not viral. It is transmitted by protein - proteins can be infectious.


The idea of infectious proteins was not known at the time, and so Kono could not ignore the assertion. Especially after it was published in the world’s oldest scientific journal- Nature. This plunged the SMON commission back down the “viral” rabbit-hole. Kono argued that if scientists could not entertain the idea of a non-classic virus, then “Dr. Gajdusek could not have etsablished a slow virus etiology for kuru.” In an attempt to imitate Gajdusek’s method, Kono tried the same with with fluids form SMON patients. He failed to reproduce symptoms. Then he sent samples to Gajdusek himself, who also failed. And so, Kono abandoned the search for a “slow virus.”


I want to take a moment in this story to praise Kono in his efforts. Despite the zeal with which he and his colleagues approached the virus hypothesis, when experimentation proved unsuccessful, he was completely willing to accept the results. This is not common in science or medicine. As it turns out, being a scientists is really hard, even for scientists.


A Non-infectious cause?

After 12 years of the virus hunt, research into the SMON epidemic yielded no identifiable cause. In 1969 the disease had claimed another 2,000 victims, the worst year yet. Thankfully, Kono had designed the commission with more than just virologists.



Anonymous ID: ab682e March 23, 2024, 10:34 a.m. No.20613828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3830


Dr. H. Beppu, a pharmacologist, visited Okayama in 1969 to investigate the outbreak and had made an eerily similar discovery. The SMON victims had taken certain drugs to treat diarrhea. Unlike the prior group, Beppu looked past the names Entero-Vioform and Emaform and discovered that these two were brand names for the exact same compound - Clioquinol. To test his hypothesis, he gave clioquinol to mice in hopes to recreate the nervous system damage in SMON. To his disappointment, the mice died.


In a rather comical exchange, his colleague Totsuka said “He later confessed to feeling stupid, because he gave up the experiment when the animals died,” adding “he wanted to prove a neurological disorder, but only proved the drug’s severe toxicity.” Clioquinol was used for intestinal parasites, like amoeba, because it was believed to remain in the intestines. The death of Beppu’s mice proved that the drug was absorbed by the body, and could kill.


Meanwhile, a nationwide survery of SMON cases were underway, and in the fall of 1969 the survey uncovered several patients with a strange green coating on their tongues - hitherto unnoticed by the literature. This was at first brushed aside as a Pseudomonas colonization, but quickly became prominent when in May of 1970, a group of doctors encountered two SMON patients with greenish urine. Shortly thereafter, chemical analysis of the urine revealed an altered form of clioquinol.


The Machine resists

You would think that this discovery would pave the way for a rethinking of the cause of SMON. From contagious to non-contagious. But you would be underestimating the degree to which humans influence science and medicine.


The idea that clioquinol was the guilty party was met with even stronger resistance, because it was the very drug that doctors had been using to treat SMON patients for years. Doctors were reluctant to believe that they were making the problem worse, and causing severe nervous system damage. Doctors ignorant of clioquinol’s side effects assumed the stomach pains resulted from the elusive primary sickness and kept increasing the dose in a vicious cycle.


The group knew they had to gather strong evidence before the virus hypothesis could be shot down. By july of 1970 their data analysis revealed:


96% of SMON victims had definitely taken clioquinol before the disease appeared


those with the most severe symptoms had takent he highest doses of clioquinol


Number of SMON cases throughout Japan had risen and fell with the sales of clioquinol


The clioquinol hypothesis explained far more than the elusive virus-hunt ever did:


Preference for striking middle-aged women


near absence in children (who would have recieved fewer and smaller doses)


tendency to appear in hospitalized patients


breakout more heavily in the summer


Most importantly, the epidemic itself had begun shortly after pharmaceutical companies received approval to manufacture the drug in Japan.


The End is near

On September 8 1970, the Japanese government banned all sales of Clioquinol.


In 1971 there were only 36 repaorted cases


In 1972, only 3.


In 1973, 1.


The epidemic was over.


In a conference in 1979, Reisaku Kono posed the question:


Why had research on the etiology of SMON not hit upon clioquinol until 1970?


Kono provided two answers.



Anonymous ID: ab682e March 23, 2024, 10:34 a.m. No.20613830   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kono also observed that doctors refused to recognize the possibility of an iatrogenic cause. (Iatrogenic means it was caused by medical practice). The idea that the drug caused the symptoms it was being prescribed for in the first place - the cognitive dissonance must have been far too strong.


Furthermore, in the wake of the poliovirus campaign, the Japanese government simply had to keep up the momentum by funding the exact same institutions and people, but turn their attention to SMON.




The Final Throes

Despite these findings, it didn’t stop Professor Shigeyuki Inoue in Kyoto. With new claims of a fresh virus to put on the face of SMON, Inoue was published in several prominent medical journals, including The Lancet.


The Lancet, April 24,1971 p. 853

However, Inoue had his moment in the limelight and earned notoriety for discovering the “SMON virus". He even made it as far as mention in the textbook, Review of Medical Microbiology, 1974.


To Kono’s continued credit, he did not let these assertions go unchecked. He responded in a subsequent issue of The Lancet in August 23, 1975.


A string of legal battles ensued, and the controversy was resolved both within the SMON Research Commission and in court. Needless to say, there is no SMON virus. Even the US FDA had restricted clioquinol for 10 years before Japan.


Over the course of 15 years, over 11,000 Japanese people had become victim to the toxic effects of a drug.


Today, most people outside of Japan have never heard of the “viral” SMON epidemic. The story that SMON researchers had ignored the evidence of a toxic cause for 15 years, for a flawed viral hypothesis was too embarassing for establishment virologists to admit.


Credit Where Credit is Due.

I stumbled upon the above story in the first chapter of Peter Duesberg’s book Inventing the AIDS Virus. He shared this story as a backdrop, lesson, and prophecy of what had occurred in the US in 1980s - the AIDS epidemic.


For those of you who do not know who Peter Duesberg is, here is the only interview I can find of the infamous University of California, Berkeley Virologist by none other than Joe Rogan:


I have tremendous respect for scientists and doctors who pursue questions that the establishment actively censors.


The COVID pandemic has forced me to re-assess the integrity of the institutions that most doctors and researchers submit to, with little hesitation. In doing so, I have observed a pattern:


Respected scientists and Nobel Laureates are lost to infamy because they dared pose a question which opposed establishment narratives. Kary Mullis. Linus Pauling. Peter Duesberg.


The AIDS epidemic is one such narrative. It should come as no surprise that the same institutions and actors who have misled us during COVID, were the very same as those involved in the AIDS epidemic:




Anthony Fauci


Department of Health & Human Services


Centers for Disease Control


World Health Organization


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Anonymous ID: ab682e March 23, 2024, 10:39 a.m. No.20613842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3845 >>3877

House leaves for a two-week break — without addressing Ukraine aid


WASHINGTON — After voting to avert a government shutdown Friday, the House left town for its two-week Easter recess without passing critical military aid for Ukraine as the war-torn nation runs dangerously low on ammunition in its fight against the Russian invasion.


Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said he wanted to finish funding the government before shifting his attention to foreign aid for a trio of U.S. allies: Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. And he has rebuffed calls from other leaders to put the $95 billion Senate-passed aid package on the House floor, saying he is drafting his own Ukraine package.


But it means that the lower chamber won’t address funding for Kyiv until mid-April — at the earliest. And Johnson has given few hints as to how he might construct his supplemental aid package, though he maintains it is a priority.


“There’s a number of avenues that we’ve been looking at to address that,” Johnson told reporters this week, adding that funding the U.S. government needed to come first. “And having done that now, we’ll turn our attention to it and we won’t delay.”


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said his country can’t afford any further delays. He’s told congressional leaders that, without additional aid from the U.S., Ukraine could lose its two-year war against Russia. On Friday, U.S. officials condemned Russia's "brutal" overnight attack on Ukrainian cities and civilian targets, described as the "largest series of air strikes Russia has launched against Ukraine’s energy grid since the start of this war."


For months, the debate over sending Ukraine a fresh round of aid has vexed the divided government in Washington. President Joe Biden, along with the two Senate leaders — Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. — have been exerting pressure on Johnson to quickly take up the Senate bill that includes $60 billion for Ukraine.

But five months on the job, Johnson has had to tread carefully on the issue. Former President Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee this fall, has lashed out at the Senate package, and far-right Trump ally Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., had threatened to force a vote to oust the speaker, warning that linking Ukraine funding and border security was her "red line." On Friday, Greene filed a so-called motion to vacate over her opposition to the government spending package, giving her the option to quickly force the vote next month if she doesn't like Johnson's strategy on Ukraine.


Other House conservatives have demanded that Congress secure the southern border before sending any more aid to Ukraine while rejecting a bipartisan deal by senators that included provisions aimed at amping up border security.


"If I were calling the shots, I’d say we’re gonna secure the border; we’re not getting another dollar for Ukraine," said GOP Rep. Chip Roy, a member of the conservative Freedom Caucus who represents the border state of Texas.


A range of options

U.S. officials estimated that by late March Ukraine’s military could face disastrous supply and ammunition shortages. It was a message reinforced to lawmakers who attended the Munich Security Conference and traveled to Ukraine last month.


However, Johnson is keeping his cards close to the vest. He hasn't specified whether the Ukraine aid would be a stand-alone bill — separated from the Israel and Taiwan aid — or if it would be attached to border security provisions demanded by his right flank.


The speaker has instructed working groups to use the two-week break to flesh out the plethora of options on a foreign aid package raised by numerous members, an official familiar with Johnson’s thinking told NBC News. There are many ideas on the table; some are more popular in the conference than others.


Johnson has said he's open to an idea — first floated by Trump — that would treat nonmilitary aid for Ukraine as a loan to be repaid. Another idea on Johnson’s radar is a bill by Foreign Affairs Chairman Mike McCaul, R-Texas, the REPO for Ukrainians Act, that would seize assets of Russian oligarchs and use proceeds to pay for the Ukrainian war effort. The Democratic-led Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed a version of that bill, but top Democrats are hesitant to move it as a stand-alone measure until the House takes up foreign funding.






Anonymous ID: ab682e March 23, 2024, 10:39 a.m. No.20613845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3848


Other options include additional sanctions on Russia, forcing the Biden administration to reverse course on liquefied natural gas exports and border enforcement provisions.


“There are a lot of ideas being talked about” and nothing’s been settled, said Majority Leader Steve Scalise, a Louisiana Republican like Johnson, who controls the floor schedule. “We’re looking at what we can do to address the border security problem first and then helping our friends around the world.”


This week, Russian President Vladimir Putin secured another six years in power after he claimed victory in an election with no real opposition. House Democrats, who along with bipartisan Senate leaders have been urging Johnson to put the Senate-passed bill on the floor, bashed GOP leaders for punting the Ukraine issue until after the long recess. Rep. Greg Meeks of New York, the top Democrat on the Foreign Affairs panel and its former chairman, said it’s a dereliction of duty for the GOP-led House to head home for its spring break without aiding its ally.


“Ukraine is close to being completely out of ammunition. … They’re making choices now of giving up territory because they don’t have enough ammunition to fight, and then decide to go someplace else to utilize and conserve what they have,” Meeks said in an interview just off the House floor.


If Congress funds Ukraine and “we do keep it up, Putin’s aggression will be stopped,” Meeks said. “If we don’t, Putin’s aggression will continue — not only in Ukraine but in other parts of Europe.”


Johnson gets an earful

Because of the desperate situation on the ground and the House's foot-dragging, the White House has had to act unilaterally. The Pentagon rushed $300 million in lethal assistance earlier this month after finding cost savings in contracts. But without more resources from the entity in control of the nation’s checkbook, U.S. military readiness could suffer, top Defense Department officials warned.


Johnson has been briefed in secure settings and understands that the situation in Ukraine is important and timely but does not rise to the level of imminent military collapse, a source close to the speaker said. He also accepts that a sizable chunk of the funds appropriated to fund Ukraine’s military would be used to replenish U.S. stockpiles, the source added.


Desperate to unlock aid, some top Democrats indicated they would consider the eleventh-hour ideas being raised by House Republicans, but most prefer that the lower chamber put the Senate-passed package on the floor, which they say would pass overwhelmingly.


Even those who said the proposals could be worth discussing, including Democratic Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar of California, concluded that it was a “bad idea.” And it’s not even clear that a loan-based approach on nonlethal assistance to Ukraine could be enforceable, in the words of Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., who said it was his understanding that it would be a “waivable” loan.


“The only viable path forward is for House Republicans to take the national security bipartisan and comprehensive bill that was sent over by the Senate weeks ago and put it on the House floor for an up-or-down vote,” House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said Thursday. “House Republicans need to stop bending the knee to the pro-Putin faction that is growing and ascendant in their party. … The Senate bill is bipartisan, it’s comprehensive and it’s the only viable way forward.”


It’s not only Democrats who are giving Johnson an earful about the urgent need for the Senate-passed bill. McConnell on Wednesday reiterated his calls for Johnson to put the package on the floor.


Anonymous ID: ab682e March 23, 2024, 10:40 a.m. No.20613848   🗄️.is 🔗kun



“What I’ve said repeatedly is we’re running out of time and the best way to get Ukraine the help they need is for the House to pass the Senate bill. The problem with changing it, as you all know, it can take three days to do the simplest thing here in the Senate. We don’t have the time,” McConnell said during his weekly leadership news conference.


“So, I’m continuing to advocate to the speaker that he put the bill on the floor and let people vote,” he said.


In the meantime, House Democrats are circulating a discharge petition to force the Senate-passed bill to the floor, bypassing Johnson and GOP leaders. The petition requires 218 signatures, which would need to include a handful of Republicans to trigger a vote; Democrats have just 188 signatures. Separately, Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., and Jared Golden, D-Maine, are collecting signatures for their own bipartisan discharge petition that would fund Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan while incorporating some border enforcement provisions. It has just 16 supporters so far.


On Thursday, Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., signed onto both discharge petitions, one of his final acts before resigning from Congress on Friday. His signature will remain on the petitions until his seat is filled.


Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., a co-sponsor of the slimmed-down bipartisan Ukraine bill, said McCaul is working closely with GOP leadership to modify their legislation to make it more palatable.


“All I ask is make sure it’s bipartisan and bicameral,” Bacon said.


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Anonymous ID: ab682e March 23, 2024, 10:41 a.m. No.20613851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3863 >>3871

Man With Rare Condition Sees People's Faces As 'Demons'


Some people see others' faces as disturbing, distorted demons, and it's all down to a strange medical condition.


This condition is named prosopometamorphopsia (PMO), and causes people to perceive others as having faces with altered shapes, colors, sizes and facial feature positions.


Now, in a new paper in the journal The Lancet, researchers have revealed what people with PMO see when they look at others. This is the first paper to provide photorealistic representations of the facial distortions seen by those with PMO.


demon faces

These pictures are based on what is seen by a 58-year-old patient with PMO who has a unique case of the condition, meaning that when he sees faces in real life they are distorted, but if they are on a screen, they aren't.


This made him a prime candidate for studying the condition, as the researchers could ask him how accurate the distorted versions of faces they made on the screen were, compared with his real-life experience.


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"In other studies of the condition, patients with PMO are unable to assess how accurately a visualization of their distortions represents what they see because the visualization itself also depicts a face, so the patients will perceive distortions on it too," lead author Antônio Mello, a PhD student in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Dartmouth, said in a statement.


"Through the process, we were able to visualize the patient's real-time perception of the face distortions."


The exact cause for the condition is still unclear, but theories have suggested that it may arise due to damage or issues with brain areas including the fusiform face area (FFA) or the superior temporal sulcus (STS), or even a manifestation of epilepsy.


The condition is rather rare, with only about 75 case reports about people with PMO having been published.


The severity of the condition varies from person to person, with different parts of the face being affected, and different factors—shape, size, color—being more impacted than others. The length of time which a person is affected by PMO can also vary, lasting for "days, weeks, or even years," according to the researchers.


In the paper, the authors describe how they created these representations. They first took a picture of a person's face, then showed the patient the picture on a screen while he also looked at that person's face in real life. They then modified the picture on the screen until it matched the patient's perception of the person, using his input in real time.


distorted faces

The researchers hope that this study will help PMO be taken more seriously by health professionals, as often people are dismissed as having another mental health condition.


"We've heard from multiple people with PMO that they have been diagnosed by psychiatrists as having schizophrenia and put on anti-psychotics, when their condition is a problem with the visual system," senior author Brad Duchaine, a professor of psychological and brain sciences and principal investigator of the Social Perception Lab at Dartmouth, said in the statement.


"And it's not uncommon for people who have PMO to not tell others about their problem with face perception because they fear others will think the distortions are a sign of a psychiatric disorder," says Duchaine. "It's a problem that people often don't understand."

Anonymous ID: ab682e March 23, 2024, 10:43 a.m. No.20613861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3864

Pennsylvania Senator Mastriano proposes bill to combat chemtrails, 2nd state to do this after Tennessee


Mastriano proposes bill to combat ‘chemtrails’ rooted in conspiracy theory and climate science


A Boeing 747 creates a condensation trail over Chester County, Pennsylvania. (Capital-Star photo by Peter Hall)


A state senator who was the 2022 GOP nominee for Pennsylvania governor has proposed legislation to outlaw experimental weather modification techniques falsely associated with the “chemtrail” conspiracy theory.


The false belief that condensation trails left by high flying aircraft are actually trails of chemicals released by the government for nefarious reasons has become conflated with techniques being explored to reduce the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the atmosphere.


In a memo seeking support for his bill, Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-Franklin) said new technology and a proliferation of weather modification patents “owned by a combination of Federal Government Agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations, and large multinational corporations” have brought forward the need to update Pennsylvania’s law.


Mastriano notes the Pennsylvania Constitution guarantees the “right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment.”


“Spraying unknown, experimental, and potentially dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere without the consent of the people of Pennsylvania is a clear violation of Article 1, Section 27 of the PA Constitution,” Mastriano’s memo states.


Sen. Doug Mastriano, R-Franklin, joins GOP colleagues in Fulton County, Pennsylvania on July 23, 2021, to respond to decertification of voting machines. (Screenshot)


The legislation would ban the release of substances within the borders of Pennsylvania to affect the temperature, weather or intensity of sunlight. It would mirror legislation that passed in the Tennessee Senate on Wednesday.


Mastriano, an election denier who lost his 2022 gubernatorial bid to Gov. Josh Shapiro, has made repeated references to the chemtrail conspiracy theory on social media.


In a November Facebook post with a photo of condensation trails in the sky above Chambersburg, Mastriano wrote, “I have legislation to stop this … Normal contrails dissolve / evaporate within 30-90 seconds.”


Shortly after his loss to Shapiro in 2022 Mastriano posted on Twitter — now called “X” — four photos of condensation trails above his district. In a reply to his own tweet, he linked to an article detailing a proposal to distribute reflective material in the atmosphere to reflect more of the sun’s energy back into space, implying the two are linked.


Calls to Mastriano’s offices in the state Capitol and Chambersburg were not returned Friday.


Condensation trails, or contrails for short, form when the hot moisture-laden exhaust from aircraft engines hits the frigid air at the altitudes where commercial and military jets cruise. The moisture condenses and becomes visible in the same way you can see your breath on a cold day.


A claim among chemtrail believers is that condensation trails dissipate immediately and trails that persist consist of chemicals. The longevity of the trails depends on the amount of moisture already in the air, with drier air leading to shorter-lived contrails, according to the National Weather Service .


Cloud seeding, in which particles of silver iodide are sprayed into clouds, has been used since the 1950s in attempts to induce precipitation or to prevent damage to crops from hail. The crystalline silver iodide particles attract water droplets which cluster together until they grow too heavy to stay in the air and fall to the ground as rain or snow.


It is employed by several western states in efforts to alleviate drought and can increase precipitation from storm clouds by 5% to 15% , the Associated Press reported.


The practice has spawned its own chemtrail-adjacent conspiracy theory, in which California residents blamed flooding and landslides during a pair of February storms on a local water authority’s cloud seeding pilot program. The agency said there was no cloud seeding during the record-setting rainfall, the Los Angeles Times reported.




Anonymous ID: ab682e March 23, 2024, 10:43 a.m. No.20613864   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In Pennsylvania, a 1967 law inspired by unauthorized attempts to suppress hail in central Pennsylvania requires anyone who wants to try cloud seeding to get a license from the state Department of Agriculture.


The department’s Weather Modification Board has never received a license application and has never investigated unauthorized cloud seeding, Deputy Press Secretary Jay Losiewicz said in an email.


The process referred to in Mastriano’s tweet is even more experimental. Called solar geoengineering, it could provide a method to mask global warming as a result of accumulated greenhouse gasses. But if it is ever used on a large scale, there’s a risk of physical harm and socio-political impacts, according to Harvard University Applied Physics Professor David Keith, who leads a group researching the idea.


The group said on its website it is confident that there is no program testing solar geoengineering outdoors.


Mastriano’s memo cites a February Wall Street Journal article , claiming the newspaper had confirmed active field tests of the proposal in Israel and Australia, however the article states that the substances used in the tests are smoke and sea water.


“We are not now involved in outdoor experimentation, though we are indeed actively developing proposals for field experiments. This experiment will proceed only if it is conducted in a fully transparent and public manner, and only if it passes a comprehensive independent safety review,” Keith said in a response to letters and emails from people concerned about chemtrails.


On the subject of chemtrails, Keith said there’s little evidence to support the conspiracy theory, with the main claim being that “airplane contrails look different.” Keith added that if such a program existed, it would require a vast operation and tens of thousands of people. Keeping it secret would be impossible.


“If such a program was intended to cause harm to their fellow citizens — as is alleged by people who believe in the chemtrails conspiracy — then people working in the program would have very strong personal motivations to reveal it,” Keith said.


The post Mastriano proposes bill to combat ‘chemtrails’ rooted in conspiracy theory and climate science appeared first on Pennsylvania Capital-Star .


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Anonymous ID: ab682e March 23, 2024, 10:47 a.m. No.20613876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3903

Biden Administration Transfers Nearly $6 Billion in Student Debt Held by Public-Service Employees to Taxpayers


The Biden administration’s latest student-debt handout will cost nearly $6 billion and benefit 78,000 public-service employees.


The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program applies to nurses, teachers, firefighters, and social workers, the Biden administration said in a statement on Thursday.


“I won’t back down from using every tool at my disposal to deliver student debt relief to more Americans, and build an economy from the middle out and bottom up,” Biden said.


PSLF is a debt-forgiveness program for government and non-profit employees who work for at least ten years. The Biden administration has used the program to transfer $62.5 billion in student debt to the public since October 2021, when PLSF eligibility was expanded, according to the Department of Education.


“Today, more than 100 times more borrowers are eligible for PSLF than there were at the beginning of the Administration. The Biden Administration is turning a promise broken under our predecessor into a promise kept,” said Education Secretary Miguel Cardona.


To date, the Biden administration has forgiven student debt for over 870,000 public service workers, some of the roughly 4 million Americans who have gotten their student loans cancelled under the current administration. An additional 380,000 borrowers will receive an email notification from President Biden notifying them that they will be eligible for PSLF over the next two years.


“I hope you continue the important work of serving your community – and if you do, in less than two years you could get your remaining student loans forgiven through Public Service Loan Forgiveness,” the email says.

Last month, the White House wiped out $1.2 billion in student debt for 153,000 people under the newly created Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan for borrowers struggling to repay their student loan debt. The University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School estimates the SAVE initiative will cost $475 billion over a ten year period.


Biden’s executive actions to forgive student-loan debt comes after the Supreme Court blocked the White House from erasing over $400 billion of debt under the HEROES Act. The president promised to defy the Supreme Court in the wake of the ruling last year and figure out alternative paths to debt forgiveness. Since becoming president, Biden has forgiven over $130 billion in student-loan debt.


Student-loan debt is a top issue for young voters and likely to play an important role in helping Biden secure youth support for the upcoming 2024 presidential election. A poll taken in December found registered young voters in swing states were unsatisfied with the level of student loan forgiveness by the Biden administration.