Can someone confirm what The Narrative(tm) is saying on whether ethnostates are a good idea or a bad idea?
The Narrative(tm,) as directed by what anon identifies as a globalist cult, includes internally contradictory patterns, thereby revealing an error in the cult's logic.
One the one hand, there is a pattern that ethnostates are existentially necessary to stop the worst evil from happening and anyone who doesn't support ethnostates are aligning with the worst evil the ethnostate is designed to prevent, while at the same time there is the pattern that they are the worst evil and anyone who supports ethnostates are aligning with the worst evil.
Can any anon resolve this inconsistency without aligning oneself to either of the fake bloodline-based "sides" which only perpetuates division and conflict within humanity?
If there is one consistent error free logic, then either
All ethnostates are an error, or,
No ethnostates are an error.
Anon can confidently conclude that 2. is incorrect.
Therefore 1. must be correct.
Is this why one nation is being saved for last? That however it happened, the idea that "ONE FINAL" ethnostate is necessary and good and needed to solve or fix or stop the threat of…all other ethnostates?
There is a bug in the code, Neo. A gigantic inconsistent death and destruction causing bug that maybe only God knows why we had to go through this period of inconsistency as a virtue…perhaps because there are 'seekers of earthly completeness' and the only mathematically possible way to achieve maximal global completeness is to implement maximum global inconsistencies (division/conflict/death/destruction).
Help anon out, anons. Are we living in a Godelian experiment where the world was swinging too far to the side of some seeking completeness at the expense of consistency, and patriots of logic implemented a plan to swing the world back to consistency and the expense of incompleteness (under God)?