Anonymous ID: 07866e March 23, 2024, 1:57 p.m. No.20614678   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Can someone confirm what The Narrative(tm) is saying on whether ethnostates are a good idea or a bad idea?


The Narrative(tm,) as directed by what anon identifies as a globalist cult, includes internally contradictory patterns, thereby revealing an error in the cult's logic.


One the one hand, there is a pattern that ethnostates are existentially necessary to stop the worst evil from happening and anyone who doesn't support ethnostates are aligning with the worst evil the ethnostate is designed to prevent, while at the same time there is the pattern that they are the worst evil and anyone who supports ethnostates are aligning with the worst evil.


Can any anon resolve this inconsistency without aligning oneself to either of the fake bloodline-based "sides" which only perpetuates division and conflict within humanity?


If there is one consistent error free logic, then either


  1. All ethnostates are an error, or,

  2. No ethnostates are an error.


Anon can confidently conclude that 2. is incorrect.

Therefore 1. must be correct.


Is this why one nation is being saved for last? That however it happened, the idea that "ONE FINAL" ethnostate is necessary and good and needed to solve or fix or stop the threat of…all other ethnostates?


There is a bug in the code, Neo. A gigantic inconsistent death and destruction causing bug that maybe only God knows why we had to go through this period of inconsistency as a virtue…perhaps because there are 'seekers of earthly completeness' and the only mathematically possible way to achieve maximal global completeness is to implement maximum global inconsistencies (division/conflict/death/destruction).


Help anon out, anons. Are we living in a Godelian experiment where the world was swinging too far to the side of some seeking completeness at the expense of consistency, and patriots of logic implemented a plan to swing the world back to consistency and the expense of incompleteness (under God)?

Anonymous ID: 07866e March 23, 2024, 2:12 p.m. No.20614727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4742 >>4759

It's easy to debunk Netflix's and the entirety of Clown controlled fake news narratives on the


"Qanon conspiracy theory"


All you have to do is agree that yes, the fake news' own label of 'Qanon' is indeed and in fact a conspiracy theory. THEY'RE THE SOURCE OF THEIR OWN DENOUNCED THEORY.


It would be like Jeffrey Epstein declaring that everyone should distrust pedophiles, or 51 former intelligence agency disinfo 'experts' declaring that everyone should distrust intelligence agency disinfo 'experts'.

How unbelievably stupid is the 'new' Board at Netflix?



Q wrote an understatement with "These people are stupid". These people are the most cognitively challenged human beings of all time, kmao!


"Hey everyone look here! I want to warn you all about…anon! DISTRUST ANON! Which means…distrust when anon says to distrust anon! Wait, no, anon means anon should be trusted when anon says distrust anon. Yeah that's the ticket."


Fucking hell, kmao!

Anonymous ID: 07866e March 23, 2024, 2:41 p.m. No.20614902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4941

All of Q's references to 'Qanon' was referencing clown controlled fake news label.


Remember when Q wrote about "ammo being spent"?

Bet the cult didn't know their own ammo was also being spent on their future selves!


The stupid morons SPENT BILLIONS creating a GIGANTIC set of information where it's gotten to the point where the moar they denounce 'Qanon', the MOAR they denounce that much larger a component of their own database.





(Note to the cult: Not that anon wants you disgusting sick demented pedophile pieces of shit to succeed in anything except how to spend one's rest of life in jail, but just imagining self as an impartial counsel, anon would highly recommend you cancel this documentary if you are self-interested. With that out of the way, now you can't blame the world for failing to provide you with what would be your self-interested advise! Oh cruel world, it's so 'anti' when it's 'pro'!

But then again you morons really are that stupid, so you'll go ahead and air the documentary anyway.

Just one recommendation: Change the name from "Anti-Social" whatever the fuck wrap up smear, to "Cult Projection Scam Collapse Panic, or How We Stopped Worrying and Love Programming a Bomb to Detonate in Our Own Faces".

Anonymous ID: 07866e March 23, 2024, 2:52 p.m. No.20614963   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Can immediately tell you're wrong because you just committed the reification fallacy and assigned to a 'movement' of millions of individuals a singular consciousness that allegedly decides to homogeneously acquire and/or drop words and definitions of 'self-identity'.

You're doing exactly what the fake news is trying to do, use a label to attach comments and actions made by other sources (Anons), to an identified source (Q).

Deep state assets post as 'anons' all the time.

Q4881 only confirmed what was always true.


Anon is anon is anon. No clue what 'Qanon' was until AFTER reading it in the fake news media. Never self-identified as such, never identified any other human being as such.

It was always a media label to this anon.

No Anon is 'qanon'. Q is certainly not 'qanon'. These are facts.

No matter how many logical fallacies you commit by assigning to a 'movement' a mind that singularly self-identifies as one and one word only.

Anonymous ID: 07866e March 23, 2024, 2:59 p.m. No.20615000   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>too many preachy females

That was deliberate. They do the same thing in hiring blacks.

It's not because they're "color blind" or "gender blind", it's because they hire ON TEAM/OBEDIENT women and blacks to spew the crazy talk on behalf of the D's, all so that they can smear and slander all opposition as allegedly motivated by 'anti-women' or 'anti-black' craziness and hatred to discredit it, all in order to reassert their own crazy narrative as not crazy but 'social justice'.


Carville says "woke stuff" is killing the party. He doesn't seem to want to admit that "woke stuff" is a manifestation of the party's core philosophy since its inception.

Formation of the KKK, formation of confederate states against freeing the slaves, all these real historical events by the D party should have been alarms and signals that something was rotten in its core.


He can still join the Republican Party if he's disillusioned. Never too late.

Anonymous ID: 07866e March 23, 2024, 3:15 p.m. No.20615088   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>"There are people awakening"

>"End the Fed"

>"Young people have a more open mind"

>"Mises Institute"

>"The ideas are most important"

>"The underground, the silent majority"

>"When things deteriorate, people gather together, 10, 12, 50, 100 people and talk about what's important, the remnant is much bigger than anyone realizes"

>"Liberty is not dead at all, it gets reignited."

Anonymous ID: 07866e March 23, 2024, 3:42 p.m. No.20615242   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oct 13, 2020


European intelligence agencies are deploying resources to track QAnon as the conspiracy theory spreads beyond the US, sources say


"Europe's domestic intelligence and law-enforcement services have apprehensively watched the QAnon conspiracy theory migrate from the US and now consider it a significant security concern.


"That assessment was given by two security officials contacted by Insider, both of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity given the nature of their work."


"QAnon advocates claim thatthe US is secretly controlled by a cabal of politicians, celebrities, and media figures who engage in child abuse and pedophilia and that President Donald Trump will eventually move against these people.Its believers seek clues from an unknown government insider known as Q. There is no evidence to support the theory, and none of its foretold reckonings have taken place."


Since this fake news article was written, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, both intelligence agency assets who BLACKMAILED politicians and SUPPLIED them with underage sex slaves, have been exposed, arrested, and jailed.


The CLINTON FOUNDATION was cited in the AG report as committing crimes against children.


Crimes against children is the common denominator. The common enemy worldwide is the globalist satanic pedophile cult.


Netflix, the same cesspool that aired child exploitation and child pornography dog whistle "Cuties" are going to try and claim that Q's posts about crimes against children are a 'conspiracy theory'. PANIC

Anonymous ID: 07866e March 23, 2024, 4:03 p.m. No.20615346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5360 >>5370


As a deeply religious Anon, Anon has never felt compelled to harm or be conflicted with anyone because their religion is not identical.


The narrative that religions are causes in people killing each other is in this Anon's assessment a lie perpetrated by those seeking to destroy religions and supplant God with themselves a earthly gods.

Anonymous ID: 07866e March 23, 2024, 4:29 p.m. No.20615451   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Or perhaps you err in assuming all other religious people share your view of coexistence. Anyone with any integrity can see they do not, many even outspokenly demand adherence to their own religion and condemn all others.


Or, considering self as sufficient counter-example evidence in refuting the universal claim that religions cause people to kill each other.

Anon can accept that religion is weaponized and used to divide people.

If it were true that religions cause mass murder, then religions would have caused this anon to kill someone because their religion differs. Never happened.

And, escaping projection, consider that there are BILLIONS worldwide who are religious and have never murdered anyone because of their religion. Which only makes the refutation that much more pronounced, IMHO.

It has to be something else.

Maybe the desire to kill stems from another place that in some instances religion may be "whored out" and used as an excuse, a justification or rationalization, thereby making it look like it's religion that is causing the killing.

Maybe a deeper cause is like you alluded to, a projection. A projection of self-negation of one's own humanity that manifests in seeing self as a godlike being to decide when another person dies, a psychology of negating God is implicit in it, for God created that person just as God created this Anon.


Religious texts that explicitly advocate for murdering 'unbelievers', Anon sees that as a human intervention to supplant themselves as gods on Earth, an error.

Anonymous ID: 07866e March 23, 2024, 4:44 p.m. No.20615517   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Biden and Garland want this to happen in America, that's why they are trying to disarm the population to stop them from defending themselves from murderers like this.