Anonymous ID: de70ab March 24, 2024, 4:49 a.m. No.20617762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7794

Exclusive — Gen. Michael Flynn: Deep State at War with ‘America and the American People’

Hannah Bleau Knudsen23 Mar 2024


The Deep State is at war with “America and the American people,” Gen. Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser to former President Donald Trump, said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday,previewing his upcoming documentary film.


The movie, Flynn: Deliver the Truth. Whatever the Cost, details how the Deep State went after Flynn, and the story, he said, is “really two parts.”


“The first part is really about my life and service to the military” and how he rose to the levels he reached, Flynn explained, noting that the second part is “really about the persecution and the resurrection.”


“Really, it’s a story of survival. And it’s a story of hope,” he said, explaining that the story is largely about how one responds to the bad things that happen to them. Further,Flynn said he exposes things in the film that he has “never talked about.”


When asked why the Deep State chose to go after him, Flynn noted that “they’re not just at war with Donald Trump.”


“They’re at war with America and the American people. So I want to sort of emphasize that, you know, ‘Why me?’ And I do describe this in the film because you don’t get to leading one of the largest intel agencies in the world, which I did, you don’t get to being the national security adviser, chosen by a duly-elected president of the United States of America, which I was,I mean, you know, without having your act together, and then, of course, I served five years in combat overseas against foreign enemies,” Flynn said. “The biggest enemies that I faced was right here at home.”


Flynn said he discusses this at length in the film.


“So, ‘Why me?’ The things that I had done in the latter part of my military career do sort of tell a little bit, and I talk a little bit about this, tell a little bit of a story about ‘Why me?’ when I helped Donald Trump become president of the United States and I was chosen to be his national security adviser,” he explained.


“I started immediately digging into things that I knew about, right?When people say, ‘Flynn knows where the bodies are buried,’ that is a metaphor for the things that I was aware of as not only the head of one of the largest intel agencies in the world— I also worked at the director of national intelligence level — but as I got into the transitioning into the White House,I started to ask questions that I knew the answers to, and I wanted to find out, you know, who was actually doing some of these things, right?”he explained.

Anonymous ID: de70ab March 24, 2024, 4:55 a.m. No.20617794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7804


Exclusive — Gen. Michael Flynn on Being a Deep State Target: ‘In the Arc of History the Good Guys Win’

Hannah Bleau Knudsen23 Mar 2024


In the arc of history, “the good guys win,” Gen. Michael Flynn, national security adviser to former President Donald Trump, said during an interview on Breitbart News Saturday, previewing his documentaryfilm Flynn: Deliver the Truth. Whatever the Cost, which blows the lid off the power of the Deep State and their targeting of him.


One of the big themes in the film is a story of survival and hope and his personal experience of getting targeted by the Deep State.


In order to get Trump they had to get Flynn, and we now have all this incredible levels of evidence that has been exposed principally through my case. So my case fighting back, doing the things we do despite all the crazy people out there that, you know, that name-call you, and other media outlets that still do that to this day. Everybody knows the truth.And what I know is, I know a little bit more of the truth, and what I’m going to dowith this film,, is I’m going to expose some of that truth,” he said.


When asked if Americans can ultimately defeat the Deep State, Flynn said he addresses some of it in the film but added, “I think in the arc —you know, I’m a student of world and U.S. history, for those, for your audience —in the arc of history, the good guys win.”