Anonymous ID: 7b130e March 24, 2024, 10:27 a.m. No.20619129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9150 >>9229


Oath Keepers' son emerges from traumatic childhood to tell his own story in a long shot election bid


Story by AMY BETH HANSON, Associated Press • 3h

KALISPELL, Mont. (AP) — The eldest son of one of America’s most infamous seditionists is building a new life since breaking free from his father's control — juggling work, college classes and volunteer firefighting.


And Dakota Adams has tossed one more ball in the air this year: a Democratic campaign for Montana's Legislature.



he himself appears to have a good head on his shoulders based on what little I learned of his views while sifting through gobs of propaganda.



The MSM laid it on thick and made sure the reader left with nothing but disdain for "Oath Keepers" and off-grid self-sustainability type people in general. This was the main reason the article was written, if you ask me. The kid was just a convenient vehicle for it.


This is the main point of a group like "Oath Keepers". Indeed, it must have been awful to be raised by a Yale-alum Fed Agent Provocateur & creep. Now he can be used to further tarnish his dad's entrapment strawman movement "Oath Keepers"…

which the MSM has married to MAGA…


Controlled Opposition 101:


🟩Phase 1:

Have [the enemy] start a movement to fight [the enemy].

Attract people who also want to fight [the enemy], but in good faith, lawfully.

The group grows and so far has been above board.


🟥Phase 2:

When the timing is right, commit unlawful acts, or begin to encourage them, all under the group's banner.


Adopt views harmful to the stated purposes of the group.

At this point the shrewed members will notice the change but the majority will still be caught up in "feelings" and will roll along with it, like lambs to the slaughter.


🟦Phase 3:

a. The media:

Link all good-faith members of the group to the atrocity. Link the group, now tarnished, to others who share sentiments with the group's STATED sentiments.

See: "Oath Keepers" = MAGA.

(they do not)


b. The law:

Investigate, arrest, sentence the members, good and bad alike. When the timing is right an escape pod may be launched for the agents involved. It can't look too suspicious though. They may have to do some time before the escape pod is launched for them. They know this going in.

I believe [the enemy] made some mistakes regarding Ray Epps in this regard. Should've locked his ass up with Rhodes, but now everyone saw his gentle treatment and knows he's a protected Fed.


c. The policy changes:

Legislators can now use the atrocity for a public mandate to further restrict rights and bring the country closer to a police state. "We can never allow this to happen again!"

See: mass-shootings committed by "radicalized" persons, followed by more speech and gun laws. If you don't know how a Fed could coax an unstable person into doing such a thing, you should study ADHD meds (legal meth), SSRI's, psychotherapy, child molestation & other traumas (think psyche-fracturing events), and online chat-rooms.


I hope he has a good life and is an actual patriot and will help the country instead of further subverting it like his dad. I'll be watching him for any signs of:


  • Asking for more limits to gun ownership

  • Asking for more censorship because "my Fed-dad orchestrated an insurrection with his speech online!"

  • Smearing real patriots and self-sustainability types who want government accountablility to the people they govern, by linking them to "Oath Keepers" or any groups like them. Just because someone wants to live their life with as little intrusion by the government as possible does not make them a lunatic.

Anonymous ID: 7b130e March 24, 2024, 10:42 a.m. No.20619229   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20619129 (op)


>sold out

Indeed. I'll be praying for him. He has been dealt a bad hand.

Btw anons feel free to expound upon or alter the psywar template bits, it was a 1st draft and could probably be made better.


Anonymous ID: 7b130e March 24, 2024, 10:58 a.m. No.20619326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9329 >>9331 >>9334 >>9335


>Philadelphia Sets 11PM Curfew For All Businesses In Drug-Riddled Kensington Section Of City


Yes, another template.


🟩Phase 1:

Go soft on crime, appeal to people's compassion for the poor criminals who didn't have a good upbringing.


🟥Phase 2:

The streets are now overrun with crime everywhere and in the open for all to see. Citizens beg the authorities for a crackdown on all this crime.


🟦Phase 3:

Rights are further restricted, police state is given because the public asked for it and are now willing to give up some freedom just to see the crime stop.


San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, NYC & more, all starter-cities, testbeds and vectors to bring it nation-wide.

Anonymous ID: 7b130e March 24, 2024, 11:28 a.m. No.20619467   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Indeed. Anybody can be saved, Jesus Christ is that powerful. They just need to know it, many feel irredeemable and that is actually another reason they keep diving deeper into sin. "Fuck it I'm a lost cause anyway might aswell go all out"

Anonymous ID: 7b130e March 24, 2024, 11:43 a.m. No.20619500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9510 >>9513

I do believe the terror attack was real. Someone said when you fire a lot of rounds the heated barrel causes the lead to begin melting and fracturing off the bullet as it leaves, which would account for the sparks, though I'm no firearms expert so wouldn't know. Regardless of all this let's see what transpires next. Putin doesn't seem like the type to let this fly, and we know how ISIS is just a front group for "someone else"

Anonymous ID: 7b130e March 24, 2024, 11:59 a.m. No.20619588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9600 >>9602


from ai


what could cause sparks to emit from a rifle as it is fired?


Sparks emitting from a rifle as it is fired can be caused by a few factors.

These include:

Barrel obstructions: If there is any foreign object or debris lodged in the barrel, it can cause sparks as the bullet passes through it upon firing.


Burr or sharp edge: A burr or sharp edge inside the barrel can cause friction when the bullet travels through it, leading to sparks.


Mechanical failure or malfunction: A poorly maintained or damaged rifle can have a variety of mechanical issues that could result in sparks when fired.


Over-pressurized ammunition: If the ammunition is over-pressurized, it can cause excessive pressure and heat within the barrel, leading to sparks upon firing.


Overheating: Continuous firing of a rifle can cause the barrel to become hot, which, in turn, can lead to sparks when a new round is fired.


To avoid these issues, it's essential to maintain your rifle properly, use high-quality ammunition, and ensure that the barrel is free of any obstructions or sharp edges.


could the type of ammo also be a factor?


Yes, the type of ammunition can also be a factor in causing sparks to emit from a rifle as it is fired. Different types of ammunition have varying levels of pressure and heat generated during firing, which can contribute to the emission of sparks. For example:


Over-pressurized ammunition: As mentioned earlier, ammunition that is over-pressurized can cause excessive pressure and heat within the barrel upon firing, leading to sparks.


Incompatible ammo: Using ammunition that is not designed for a particular rifle can cause issues with pressure and heat generation, potentially resulting in sparks.


Substandard or low-quality ammo: Low-quality ammunition may not have consistent pressure levels or may be poorly manufactured, which can cause sparks when fired.


To minimize the risk of sparks, it's essential to use high-quality ammunition that is designed for your specific rifle and to avoid over-pressurized or incompatible ammunition. Additionally, proper maintenance and cleaning of your rifle can help prevent mechanical issues that could contribute to spark generation.