Anonymous ID: 240635 March 24, 2024, 12:28 p.m. No.20619639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9677 >>0266 >>0354

US official accused IDF of sexually abusing Palestinian women, general says


IDF Brig.-Gen. (res.) Amir Avivi: A US State Department official claimed that Israel "systematically" sexually abuses Palestinian women.


IDF Brig.-Gen. (res.) Amir Avivi met with the holder of the Israeli-Palestinian portfolio at the US State Department, who accused Israel of "systematically" sexually abusing Palestinian woman, the general explained in an interview on 103FM.


Recounting his meeting, he explained, "It was a meeting that shook me. We sat there, talked about the situation, and suddenly she accused Israel of systematically sexually abusing Palestinian women."


Avivi described his reaction.


"This is absolutely disconnected from reality. But without hesitation, she said, 'The UN presented evidence to the Israeli government.' I told her, 'Does it make sense that this phenomenon would exist and the media would never have reported on it?' I wanted there to be greater awareness… about what is really happening in the US State Department. In the end, I left there with the feeling that they simply don't talk to us and don't pass on any information."


Is it the official US position that IDF soldiers rape Palestinian women?

"When we meet with a State Department official holding the Israeli-Palestinian portfolio, every word she utters, as far as I'm concerned, is an official US position. Ultimately, she is a government official. When she says, for example, 'You did not provide evidence that Hamas is stealing humanitarian aid and you are starving the population,' what is she talking about? The IDF spokesperson shows [proof] every other day that Hamas is stealing food.


"You're saying, guys, wake up and sit with these officials because they have a significant influence on what happens at the decision-maker level, and you will work to bridge the gaps.


"We will continue to meet with them, as we did with European Union officials, where many of the people we met said, 'This is the first time we're meeting an Israeli representative,' even though it isn't an official delegation. But we don't have a big Foreign Ministry and not a lot of officials working abroad."

Anonymous ID: 240635 March 24, 2024, 12:33 p.m. No.20619660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9676 >>9682 >>9719 >>9796 >>0266 >>0354

USAID’S Disinformation Primer: Global Censorship In The Name Of Democracy


Exposing the role of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in the censorship-industrial complex.


A report from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) outlines how the government agency has been encouraging governments, tech platforms, establishment media outlets and advertisers to work together to censor huge swaths of the Internet. The 97-page “disinformation primer,” obtained by conservative firm America First Legal under the Freedom of Information Act, purports to be fighting fake news. However, much of the organization’s focus appears to be on preventing individuals from finding information online that challenges official narratives and leads to increased questioning of the system more generally.


The document calls for regulating video games and online message boards, steering individuals away from alternative media and back towards more elite-friendly sites, and for governments to work with advertisers to cripple organizations that refuse to toe official lines financially. Furthermore, it highlights government-backed fact-checking groups like Bellingcat, Graphika, and the Atlantic Council as leaders in the fight against disinformation, despite the fact that those groups have close connections to the national security state, which is an overwhelming conflict of interest.


The news that a government agency is promoting such a program is worrying enough. However, we shall also see how USAID itself has promoted fake news to push for regime change abroad.



USAID’s primer identifies three kinds of information that it wishes to combat. In addition to misinformation (false information spread by those who believe it to be true) and disinformation (false information proliferated with intent to deceive), it states that “malinformation” is also a serious threat. Malinformation is speech that is factually correct but has been deemed misleading or taken out of context. Under this broad definition, any reporting or arguments, no matter their accuracy, could potentially be throttled online if it is deemed unhelpful or inconvenient to USAID and its interests.


While the report spends much time condemning enemy nations – particularly Russia and China – USAID appears much more concerned with clamping down on independent media and open spaces where alternative information and opinions can be found. As they write:


Discussions on disinformation and misinformation often revolve around assumptions of state actors driving the issue. However, problematic information more regularly originates from networks of alternative sites and anonymous individuals who have created their own ‘alt media’ online spaces.”


The report identifies platforms like Reddit, Discord and 4Chan as “conspiracy websites” that can help groups create “populist expertise” to develop alternative opinions and challenge official U.S. government narratives. These, alongside gaming websites, must be challenged and marginalized.

Anonymous ID: 240635 March 24, 2024, 12:36 p.m. No.20619668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9769 >>0266 >>0354

Thousands of pounds of meth smuggled across border in vegetable shipments


Cartels use several tactics to smuggle drugs and people into the U.S., including “task saturation” and “migrant warfare.”


Mexican cartels for decades have devised creative ways to smuggle narcotics and other contraband across the southern U.S., including using produce, law enforcement officials say. This month, in one week, thousands of pounds of meth were seized hidden in shipments of peppers, tomatillos and carrots.


At the Otay Mesa, California, cargo facility this month, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized large quantities of methamphetamine hidden under packages of the vegetables.


In one instance, CBP officers stopped a 27-year-old male with a valid border crossing card driving a commercial tractor-trailer with a shipment manifested for peppers and tomatillos. At first glance, the shipment appeared to contain only peppers and tomatillos. But after a K-9 unit screened it, officers examined the trailer and found a box containing a crystal-like substance. Additional officers were radioed to provide assistance and began extracting package after package hidden under the produce. They found 3,594 packages that were tested and identified as methamphetamine. The stash totaled 3,671.58 pounds.


The same week, CBP officers at the same facility uncovered another massive load of meth being smuggled in using carrots.


They stopped a 44-year-old man, also a valid border crossing card holder, driving a commercial tractor trailer hauling a shipment manifested as carrots. Officers unloaded the cases of carrots and found suspicious packages hidden underneath, which were tested and identified as methamphetamine. Overall, they seized 574 packages weighing approximately 2,900 pounds.


In both instances, the meth and commercial tractor-trailers were seized; the drivers were turned over to Homeland Security Investigations.


According to Addiction Resource, a lethal dose of methamphetamine is 150 milligrams. However, the lethality of a dose varies, it says, due to how pure or impure it is. Less impurities means the dose is more toxic.


Cartels use several tactics to smuggle drugs and people into the U.S., including “task saturation” and “migrant warfare,” authorities have explained. Surging resources in one area to leave the border open in another area enables cartel operatives and gangs they work with to commit a range of crimes. Another tactic is hiding people and drugs in trucks, including behind or under produce, to bring through ports of entry.


While Border Patrol agents are primarily in the field, CBP officers and canine units work at ports of entry to interdict human and drug smuggling driven by the Sinaloa Cartel, which has taken operational control of the border from California to El Paso, Texas, The Center Square has reported.

Anonymous ID: 240635 March 24, 2024, 12:42 p.m. No.20619697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0266 >>0354



More and more evidence is indicating that ISIS claimed responsibility for the March 22 Crocus City Hall terrorist attack in the Russian capital, Moscow, only to cover up for the real perpetrators who appear to be the Kiev regime and its backers in the West.


Four terrorists, all non Russians, carried out the attack which claimed the lives of at least 133 people and left more than 154 others wounded. The terrorists used knives and guns to attack some of the victims who were attending a concert at the time and later set the whole hall on fire, causing more casualties.


ISIS quickly jumped to claim responsibility in a statement released by its official news agency, Amaq, just a few hours after the attack.


A follow up statement on the attack with some general details was released by Amaq on March 23, along with a blurred photo of the four terrorists in front of a makeshift ISIS flag. Aside from this photo and short video released by Amaq later on the same day, there was no information about the terrorists. ISIS didn’t mention their nationality, names or even their nom nom de guerre.


The clothes worn by the four men in Amaq photo matches what was worn by the terrorists during the attack, and when they were arrested by Russian security forces close to the Ukrainian order on March 23.


Still, the link between the four terrorists and ISIS remains uncertain. In their initial confessions, the detained terrorists didn’t mention ISIS but talked about receiving money -half a million Russian rubles [$5,418]- and instruction for the attack from unknown handlers over the internet.


In addition, the terrorists didn’t commit suicide after the attack or at least fight until death to resist arrest, as typical for jihadists.


All of these details were not the strangest however. In the photo released by Amaq, the terrorists were using the finger on their left hand to do the Shahada, an Islamic oath and creed. This is strictly forbidden in Islam.


It is important to note that the photo is not mirrored. There are three possibilities, either the militants somehow wrote the Arabic letters backwards on ISIS banner -which is unlikely-, or the flag was photoshopped onto the already mirrored photo, or the terrorists were not accustomed with very basic Islamic principles.


Overall, the available information indicates that the terrorists were not really ideologically motivated, but rather radical mercenaries.


The fact that the terrorists were mercenaries and attempted to flee to Ukraine is enough to believe that it was the Ukrainian intelligence that plotted the terrorist attack in Moscow, and used ISIS as a cover up. As for how the Ukrainians made contact with the groups, Russian sources have already reported the involvement of a Tajaki jihadist who works for the United States Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, in this. It is worth noting that the terrorists are reportedly also from Tajikistan.

Anonymous ID: 240635 March 24, 2024, 12:52 p.m. No.20619761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9774 >>9819 >>0266 >>0354

Pfizer Has a Criminal Record. Did the Media or Your Government Inform You? Had You Known Would You Have Accepted to Receive the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine?


"The federal government announced the largest medical fraud settlement in U.S. history": $2.3 Billion (2009)



In September 2009, the U.S Justice Department attorneys and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius held a news conference “dealing with a health care-related settlement”.


Pfizer [was] ordered [2009] to pay $2.3 billion to settle charges of promoting its drugs for uses not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.”


Pfizer Inc which is currently involved in the Worldwide distribution of the mRNA vaccine, was accused in 2009 of “Fraudulent Marketing”.


American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc…. has agreed to pay $2.3 billion, the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice, to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products, the Justice Department announced today.


The company [Pfizer] will pay a criminal fine of $1.195 billion, the largest criminal fine ever imposed in the United States for any matter. Pharmacia & Upjohn will also forfeit $105 million, for a total criminal resolution of $1.3 billion. (US DOJ)


To consult the Department of Justice’s historic decision click screenshot below


How on earth can we trust a Big Pharma vaccine conglomerate which pleaded guilty to criminal charges by the US Department of Justice.


People were never informed. Both the media and the governments “turned a blind eye”.


In 2009 Pfizer pleaded “Guilty to a Felony Violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.”

And that is the Big Pharma Company which is now marketing the “unapproved” mRNA vaccine, which has resulted in an upward trend of mortality and morbidity, starting immediately following the roll-out of the Covid-19 in mid-December 2020. (That was exactly three years ago)


Video. US Department of Justice. 2.3 Billion Medical Fraud Settlement

Anonymous ID: 240635 March 24, 2024, 12:53 p.m. No.20619766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9777

Cancer vaccine may be ready by 2030, say founders of COVID vaccine-makers BioNTech - ABC News


LONDON – The world could be only a few years away from a cancer vaccine, according to the couple behind the Pfizer/BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine. (Nod, nod, wink, wink),

Anonymous ID: 240635 March 24, 2024, 1:11 p.m. No.20619854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9860 >>0266 >>0354

Pedophilia a Requirement for UK Ruling Elite


Case by case by case, the evidence builds that not only have psychopaths [see “Psychopathic Takeover”] populated the UK’s power structure but that often enough, being a pedophile has been an additional requirement. The entire ruling hierarchy is rife with this crowd and it is a long-standing British “tradition.” I believe pedophiles are put into high places not just because of their psychopathy, but because they can be compromised and controlled by the cabal. There is an element of this in the U.S. power structure as well. Whistleblowers and victims who go up against pedophile rings frequently end up dead [see the “Strange Death of Nancy Schaefer”].


You will also note that many old links in the post are down and the stories memory holed.


Due to a change in legislation in 2009 by Jack Straw, it is now illegal for children in care to speak out if they are victims of abuse [see here].


Jimmy Savile (now dead) proved to be a very prolific pedophile. Savile was knighted by the Queen, knighted by the Vatican, was a top BBC figure (a household name), spent time with Margaret Thatcher at Chequers on several occasions (Thatcher lobbied heavily to have him knighted by the Queen), was close friends with Prince Charles (was even described as his “mentor” by Princess Diana) and spent time with him alone on at least one occasion [see here]. He also boasted that he had police pals who would protect him from child abuse claims.


Famous politician Cyril Smith (now dead) proved to be a prolific pedophile [see here]. Smith was only one of a number of alleged high profile child abusers within Westminster said to have been named in a 40-page dossier submitted to the Home Office by the late campaigning Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens in 1983. Home Secretary at the time, Leon Brittan (a top ranking politician to this day) “lost” the file containing evidence of pedophiles in positions of great power — including Cyril Smith [see No. 2 above].


Kincora Boys Home-linked politician kills self after answering questions pertaining to pedophilia at the home. Ken Livingstone (the ex-Mayor of London) had said that Mi5 orchestrated pedophilia events at Kincora Boys Home in order to blackmail politicians. see here


There are a number of pedophile links to the British Royal Family. Prince Charles was not only close friends with Jimmy Savile but is close friends with a convicted pedophile priest and was also friends with alleged pedophile Arthur C. Clarke [see here].

Anonymous ID: 240635 March 24, 2024, 1:42 p.m. No.20620005   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Candace Owens Explains Why This "Rabbi" Is Unholy | Max Blumenthal EXPOSES The Same Rabbi