In Russia energy is also dirt cheap, which is why Russians typically do not even turn off heating when opening windows. Russians being dirt poor is just nonsense.
Also in Russia to my knowledge GMO food is banned.
In Russia energy is also dirt cheap, which is why Russians typically do not even turn off heating when opening windows. Russians being dirt poor is just nonsense.
Also in Russia to my knowledge GMO food is banned.
>hurr I believe what the western mass media feeds me
>dis dirt poor
Dirt poor is you on the streets injecting shit into your veins, sounds American
Oh and that's rich.
>have a family
>and a child
Tons of people in the west can't even afford these basics
>but but they don't have the latest overpriced shit from IKEA with poison colors sprinkled in, that breaks in 1 or 2 years
>consoom moar
That's really rich.
>firewood bad
I would like to get a proper sauce on that.
Anyway, is that a bad thing?
Cheap, keeps warm, doesn't rely on an electricity grid.
You will figure that out when the grid goes down, or energy prices get so high that you can't afford it anymore.
>fire wood can't be bought
>i have to do everything myself
>fire wood only lasts 3 hours
It's funny, because none of what you wrote makes any sense.
>still living in the 1950s?
When women were able to stay at home and the father was able to afford housing and feed a family without problems?
>but but air conditioning
Pro-top: air condition shit is a luxury, and most of Europeans do not have it
At the same time can you afford to leave heating on even during summer and open the windows because you just don't care about the costs? I don't think so.
Actually a good idea.
Fuck the grid.
Keep on using your smart-home and your smart-phone, because you are so smart.
Enjoy your GMO food with extra added sugar and totally real flavoring
>heated bathroom
You can heat bathrooms with wood too, sherlock
>no going back
Energy is ultra cheap in Russia, anon.
I'm not sure about your energy though.
And I'm also not sure if you will be even allowed to keep on driving a car.
15 minute cities are calling.
No, it's your insects.
You posted them.
It's time for YOU to go.
>don't be combative when shit poster shills shit post
Are you the hall monitor here?
>fake-quoting tldr
>it was my tldr, not yours
You don't make sense.
Impossible on here, but keep on shitposting, I am having fun
If they allied with mass murdering NATO, you would have a point, but you don't.
>China bad
Where will you get your cheap air conditioner from?
Pro-Tip: Walmart is just selling you the shit, China is actually making the shit.
Russia fucked you?
In what way?
When they left Eastern Germany on its own and just wanted the promise that NATO wouldn't be next to their borders?
Or when Putin came into power and stopped the "free resources for everyone" deal with Putin's predecessor?
If I remember correctly, invading Iraq, Afghanistan etc. wasn't armless. Quite the opposite.
In fact US military used all sorts of nuclear waste too.
>robbing people, while at the same time creating birth defects on top of that
Now that's what I consider evil.
Americans wanted cheap.
They got cheap.
If no one would buy "made in China", that business model would have died a long time ago.
Simple as that.
>You have to buy the same thing like 10 times per year
That's done intentionally, so you are a good consumer.
Has nothing to do with the stuff getting made in China.
Everything to do with the fake + fraud money system in place, which requires constant growth, like a tumor.
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