Owens and LBJ both made substantive points.
Strategy is good. But when used with strong tactics.
Owens and LBJ both made substantive points.
Strategy is good. But when used with strong tactics.
tardfag edit
Democrat President LBJ (never-mind, for a moment, how he got there) showing his true self. Also available in PC version for social media distribution.
Judge Bret Kavanaugh
Is replacing the swing vote with another swing vote.
Even Sen Mike Lee is better!
<Remember, the Second Amendment makes the other Amendments possible.
Your oodles of posts on this bread are far too long to read, break them up and maybe more than 3 anons will read them.
Was thinking about exactly that. The cut off of a lot of Dollars makes nations hurt.
They could be a good ally, if they want.
not read that article