We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights
Among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends
It is our Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
It is our Right, it is our Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for our future Security.
Such has been the patient Sufferance of these States.
And such is now the Necessity which constrains us to alter our former Systems of Government .
I visited Boston for the 4th of July weekend and went on a walking tour of the Boston commons area.
I could not help but think of todays society and how true everything relates to 2018.
He described how colonists did not respect the law of the land and it was somewhat a free for all at times.
Soon there were over 50 colonists at the scene.
The local British officer of the watch, sent a number of soldiers over to the Custom House to maintain order.
However, the sight of British soldiers armed with bayonets just aggravated the crowd further.
They began to shout at the soldiers, daring them to fire.
Fast forward to 2018, we have a lack of respect for law enforcement and protests and rallies at any given moment!
They are waiting and hoping for another Boston Massacre.
(My opinion)
Sam Adams and the sons of liberty saw that we needed a law of the land that was reasonable
They wanted people to respect and the laws and live in harmony.
They wanted elected representatives to report what people wanted.
They wanted a form of government for the people and by the people.
In 2018, there is evil in our government with no consequences.
Hussein/HRC want to live with no laws or rules and do as they wish.
The corruption and greed is now evident when positions are appointed.
We have a war inside the government that is the Red vs. Blue and you don’t know who is who.
You think you may trust someone but they play for the other team.
You think John McCain will represent Arizona and repeal Obamacare but NOPE he flips!
When it doesn't go their way. They send out their sons of liberty to do the same thing.
Instead of wanting good these sons of liberty want evil and not good for the land.
Did Sam Adams use fake news for good? I hope so!