An anon from a few breads ago posted this article about Hillary Clinton summer in Alaska in 1969.
This is how I connect the dots:
Hillary Clinton is a lesbian. She got away, far away, for the Summer after she graduated Wesleyan, to a remote spot in Alaska to be with her galpal. That was the Summer Hillary appeared in "Life " Magazine.
When she was about to enter into politics - marry Bill Clinton, six years later, she had the old girlfriend whacked; much as it is rumored "Obama" did to his homosexual lovers in Chicago, (so as they would not be able to have power over him once he achieved his political goals.) Same for Hillary. The death of the ex-travel companion / partner was very bizarre and the killer was never found.
From the detailed article from Anchorage linked above we find that HRC has been lying about her Alaska trip. She said she was with a group but she wasn't. She withheld the real job she held there at that time ; making up an alternative story.
This all is consistant with HRC feeling nervous and wanting to hide why she was really there - at such a remote place, and with whom.
Though you can't prove for sure this particular murder was hers , you can prove she is a murderer since it is impossible statistically for there to be that many dead bodied / un-natural deaths around her feet - of people who are close associated and of people in a position to witness against her.
Another Anon mentioned that HRC was the "Moon Child" of L. Ron Hubbard. I have to dig on that more, to see if the dates line up. But she does resemble him as does the father of her child also. Hubble and Hubbard look alike.