actually, local food banks often make peanut butter, and use sugar instead of HFCS. LOTS fresher - I used to load the goodies into the pulverizer myself years back
it is a war against evil, WW evil. We were all told this at the getgo and sensed it on our own - just thought we were alone and likely half tinfoil hat crazy. Bot so much now.
But thinking it will be all WINNING!! is not realistic. It is also why hard dates for habbenings that Q tossed out initially have not materialized. There are many players and sides on the board, many shifting alliances and many global interests at play. Looking at the balls POTUS is juggling astounds me sometimes.
No plan survives contact with the enemy, at least not if one desires to win.
country boy will survive….
don't want a true civil war - imagine the first one with automatic weapons, A-10's and the machinery we have today….would be nightmare. Soyboys may be misguided, but they remind me of MM Beyond Thunderdome when Max knocks the helmet off Master Blaster and finds a downs guy… they need to be sorted, but not murdered…
"When in the course of human events…"
Man made law, from the outset, to control fellow man. When it becomes too egregious, the result is always the same.
I am just hoping that this hostorical rhyme involves more cyberwar and political war than bloodshed. But am prepared for either.