Anonymous ID: bd4dc3 July 6, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.2063382   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Apple CEO Tim Cook: You Don't Change the World By Staying Quiet


OK anons, here's something to chew on as it relates to the Q drop we do not name…


If I have noticed one thing while being here (yes, newer than most) is that Apple has 100% stayed away from the hit list of bad corporations. Why is that?


Well, being a former fruitanon, I believe it's on purpose. The company as an organization isn't comped, in fact, it's actually on our side.


Some quotes from Tim in the interview that struck me as having parallels here in /qresearch/ land. (I'm paraphrasing, watch if you want full context)


"…we should only speak when we have certain knowledge to bring to a subject."

"Do we have standing? Do we have a right to talk about this issue?"

"It's not enough to be a large company to speak…"


Per Tim, Apple typically speaks about:


  1. Education

  2. Privacy

  3. Human Rights

  4. Immigration

  5. Environment


So, to take it from this interview to our current situation: What is Apple speaking to /ourguys/ about in order to right the wrongs in the above 5 areas?


With proper (sealed) indictments I can only imagine quite a bit, and it's probably fascinating to hear. And that makes (((them))) very scared.