All the reputable news agencies like NYTimes, Newsweek, and even Infowars has debunked Q. Not to mention Snopes, which really dug in deep on their analysis and since they never mislead people, it must be true.
We have been defeated anons. We should all trust our MSM and JIDF extension agencies like Infowars because they are always correct. They never lie. Think about it guys, nearly 30% of the american population almost trust the media. That's because they're super trustworthy and unbias.
Q is a larp but this is a Mossad psyop and they've got all of our IP's so sometime soon, we will all be arrested and tried for our despicable crimes against those nice and wonderful people that rule over us.
We should not have looked the gift horse in the mouth. We are fortunate to live under their reign. They are most excellent and God like.
I love you guys - tons of homo too.