You clowns sure are desperate. I mean, that's not even a troll, that's just pure unrestrained stupidity you're harnessing in that post. Just when I didn't think I'd see anything stupider from shills you just had to make that post. I don't even want to interrupt you while you go on making this mistake. By all means, continue. Oh, and filtered.
Clown IP hops to force visibility for the narrative he's been paid to push. Filtered, again. Best run along now.
I'll bet Mr. Shawn Corey Carter is feeling a little nervous right about now.
Stay strong, Anon. Shouldn't be too much longer. You've made it this far, haven't you? You got this, easily.
>How about 'seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines'?
Think of the birthdays and anniversaries to remember, not to mention the headaches from 1000+ hens clucking at once.
Nobody cared enough to pat you on the back for it. Filtered.
Here comes Kelce/Swift 2.0.
I see a mimic that failed to blend in. It's the coveting of turns of phrases that gave it away.