>Black people are the racists.
>They teach hatred of Whites.
So do Jews, Anon, but we're only allowed to talk about one.
>Black people are the racists.
>They teach hatred of Whites.
So do Jews, Anon, but we're only allowed to talk about one.
>shows you that GP is a total fraud
Jim has been sucking zionist dick for years. The only reason he stopped gatekeeping was 'cos his handlers told him to.
Kek. I have that on an unnamed frash drive, somewhere.
Kek. This bitch disappeared fast. Faster than "6 gorillion Jews" (tm) in Nazi Germany.
>it all leads back to israel
Oy vey, Anon! They're the "Chosen Ones" (tm) and muh "Greatest Ally" (tm)!
I wonder if Shmuley gave RFKJr one of these as a consolation prize?
Kek. Super-spreader is so full of shit. He's Sayanim and always has been. We should help him make some money.