>>20636060 pb
(Skip over this poast. If u read it then don’t hait.)
Do you know what the emotion of anger is? (It’s human, not attacking u, you will really like this.) ok. Anger feels bad. We need it, it’s there for a reason and it feels better than despair, anger is more empowering, that’s why they want us weak in despair rather than angry, BUT anger is still what is called a negative emotion.
Why do we feel negative emotion? It has to do with the way we are choosing to think about something we are observing. God is able to, and does, think about the exact thing you are thinking about at the exact time you are thinking about it. You could say there’s a (you) and a (You) thinking at the same time.
God has no limits or boundaries or obstacles. To God nothing is impossible and God is true, real, uncontaminated by man, LOVE. Love is pure positive energy. Pure positive energy feels like Joy, passion, excitement, peace, stability, well being, freedom.
Humans, (you) on the other hand can resist that and think in a less optimistic manner. Since you and God are not separate because the kingdom of heaven is within you and Hod dwells in His Kingdom and your body is the temple, then when you think a thought that feels less than good, it’s because you are thinking in a way that God is not and so your perception becomes distorted and then you feel the negative emotion. (Sadness, anger, frustration, despair, hopelessness, rage. The moar intense the emotion the more opposite it is from what God is thinking about same thing.
Try it. On the bottom of a piece of paper write down what is making you feel anger. Then at the top of the paper wrote down the EXACT OPPOSITE. The exact opposite is aligned with what God is thinking and you will know this by the way it feels BETTER. LOVE. God LOVES. The debil hurts. You touch fire, it hurts, you pull away. Do the same with your thoughts. Then you get to witness God in real time working in your life and you KNOW. You’ll think it’s “MAGIC” but it’s God and the way He intended life to be for us and what Jesus was trying to show everyone.
You will never again feel powerless because you will understand what “He who is inside of Me is greater than he who is of the world” truly means. God loves us that much because we are a part of Him. Even the abysmal retarded evil idiots can return to Him if the wanted to.