anon opine daily news in The Great Awakening Movie we are watching:
All over tv right now you see the headline
SIX WORKERS died in bridge collapse.
As anon who is aware that the White Hats are using reverse playbook on cabal, the headline could easily read
SEX WORKERSdied in bridge collapse.
Methinks that when they get to the containers they will find dead human traffic.
Methinks moar to this story than is being reported as of yet.
Also, the other story on news is women being punched in head in NYC is same reversal.
Reverse the old stories that hyped people against the right and now target the left brainers,
to get people thinking not only no protection for women as BLM took away cops and bail
so crimminals run free to do mayem,
but also a play on the punch a Nazi events from years ago.
White Hats are using every old cabal play for public fear against them so people wake the fuck up.