Cargo ship crashed into barge in Turkey also. They're all Vaxxed or low-wage DEI Pajeets. Russia is running out of soldiers. You are no threat.
You won't have Ukraine, it belongs to NATO. Not only that, Russia now belongs to us also due to Law of Nature you attacked first. We were just talking mad shit on our side until you started bombing civilians.
Russia only ever raped Germans and allied with China. American ingenuity is unmatched. You should just surrender and minimize your bloodline loses. We will take your women and treat them well.
So you reveal your next planโฆ to use WW1 and 2 history to invade Germany after you're done with Ukraineโฆ
So Poutine goes into a 30min dialogue on the history of Ukraine as a means to justificate his starting of the War and now you expect me to believe Poutine won't do the same thing with the History of WW1 and 2 to start a War with Germany / EU. Putin is a greedy gremlin, he won't stop with Ukraine.
She's right you know.
Yeah I'm not going to take your word for it that Poutine will stop with Ukraine. Poutine has only proven to use Fake History and False Flags as a reason to conscript his people and fight wars. There is too much History to be weaponized if you wanna bring up shit that happened couple hundred to thousand years ago.
God Bless NATO, the smartest and sexiest Alliance on Earth.
It has a lot of potential.
That's the dankest and sexiest Alliance I ever heard assuming we kick out the Jewish and Chinese influence.
We can make something out of it since all the paperwork has been done and the infrastructure (websites, buildings) are already there. Like USMCA but with NATO.
Fuck the UN, WEF, WHO. I'm talking about NATO.
>Fuck military
Ok you drop your weapons and demilitarize first, Ruski. You coulda waited for Trump but noooโฆ you joined the BRICshitters and revealed your true intentions.
They should have abandoned and waited for Trump. Maybe Trump could have gotten Russia into NATO.