there's a running theme and i just can't quite put my finger on it
fuck they're hideous
dude really just said they fight things like pornography while being a dildo salesman with his daughter and jews own the majority of porn companies
i don't see how anyone ever got deceived into supporting those fucking people
gatekeepers for the status quo is why
just recently saw someone blame a multiple degree holder in america talking about they can't find work in their field and said they had no problem but turns out that faggot was in canada
too much supply and not enough demand along with outsourcing to save money then a handful of people pretend like they speak for the majority
she wasn't the ceo of the company that owns that ship
she had no connection with synergy or ocean private ltd
schmuley admitted he's skilled in butsechs with butt plugs
this has got to be the comedy portion of the movie
niggle lmao
you think the vatican faggot was one of them?
>gibs funds to ukraine or they'll use their assets to attack your infrastructure and make you pay for it anyway