Ohhh it’s getting stolen again. And the faggot ass military or you dumb cunt QTARDS won’t do a thing about it. Keep eating their shit while you “meme”, write rude letters and make phone calls to your “representatives “
And you’re the exact type of cucked qtard cunt it was referring to
Try me cunt
Shit eating fecal freak
In before these cunt QTARDS call you a demoralizing now fag
Oh look. It’s the dumb shit eating cunt again
Is that a threat cunt? That’s not allowed here
Qanon the obvious larger isn’t going to save you or the country you dumb fucking delusional cunt
You and your family are safe. LULZ
It’s both sad and funny that you QTARDS honestly believe that intelligence agencies would waste their time posting here. Even if they did convince all 22 of you window licking retards to meet up somewhere you ass clowns wouldn’t do shit
Dying rich and comfy of old age…aka QANON JUSTICE
Yeah. If there was a single inkling of that actually happening I might entertain it. But so far it’s just cooked up bullshit in your own weak brains
Yeah okay bub