>Damn computer is being a PITA. Feels like a Monday.
>Danish in the break room though!
see what I mean?
meant for >>20641256
>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.
>Damn computer is being a PITA. Feels like a Monday.
>Danish in the break room though!
see what I mean?
meant for >>20641256
>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.
the next meeting
meaning there was prior meeting
Loren Merchan
Jul 18
I say some version of "men have been getting on my nerves lately" daily.
Welcome to the club, @BarackObama.
I knew we'd be friends. I'll bring a cheese plate to the next meeting.
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Loren Merchan
Jul 8
The interesting thing about day drinking is that you sometimes get your hangover later that day and then you wake up just fine the next morning.
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Loren Merchan
Jul 28
"Squeezing my butt doesn't prove that you love me. Plenty of guys squeeze my butt."