Posting this here because 4/pol/ is dead
I am a digital soldier who saw Q as soon as they started posting. I thought it was a fake and gay CIA psyop until 2019 when multiple things happened. 2019 and 2020 were massive wake up years for me. The last few years have been crazy and intense.
To put it simply I am over America. Im staying for the next two years to see what happens, if nothing major I will be leaving. If Trump and Q were sincere when they started they let us all down. After the last ten years, especially the last few under Biden, I dont see America ever recovering.
Lets look at real european blooded Americans and not the shitskin hordes that have invaded since the 70s. The boomers are all braindead since all they do is watch TV. The zoomers are all braindead since all they do is scroll tiktok. American culture is obese niggers twerking to music about killing people and castrating little children.
The only outcomes I see for the USA is to be destroyed by BRICS or the weight of its own internal corruption.
I can not see how the American people can retake this country, undo the damage, and recover. Not just on a societal level with our culture, economy, infrastructure etc. Also on the individual level with our DNA, body and minds.
I believe the damage is unrepairable. I no longer care about the battlefield for the future of USA. This war has gone on long enough.