For the record, and speaking only for myself as a true American Patriot with the bloodlines to prove it, I CANNOT, DO NOT, AND WILL NOT CONSENT to the EVIL being perpetrated in AMERICA’S NAME by DC, NY, Tel Aviv, London and elsewhere.
God is watching.
The election process has been wholly subverted. You have R or D candidate, this year an OTHER candidate, but all are Israel First. They’ve made that perfectly clear. Candidate Grooming is a growth industry.
This is a mere consent process for serfs, not a true free or fair election process. They will never fix it either, no matter which side of their mouths they use to lie. The process only benefits them. Obviously.
Now, after God has opened our eyes to all this evil, after all we’ve learned about what evil has been done in America’s name, for so, so long and without our consent, why should we run right out to vote for anything or anyone?
The red team/blue team bullshit is just theater. They drag their feet to ensure they get nothing done for our country. But damn if they don’t rush to line up and kiss Israel’s butt, at the first fatalistic sigh of a whimper or a moan.
But go ahead, if you think “next time” is going to change a thing, VOTE. By all means, vote hard and often, and pray for a little lube when your hope is destroyed, yet again.
They have to build up and destroy your hope repeatedly in a bid to demoralize you to the point you don’t resist. That’s their thinking, anyway.
But they have never understood America, the God-given Spirit that runs deep and eventually infects all. That’s how trees get watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
God’s will in all things.