thinking very bad thoughts today.
very bad thoughts.
"In a world that operates largely at random, coincidences are to be expected, but any one of them must always be mistrusted."
>Follow your instincts Anons. Listen to your first gut reaction.
That's why I'm here. And why I stay.
The school of fish suddenly turned his way.
Attention animates the object of the attention.
>Plausible deniability my ass. That is what AJ and Corsi say you idiot.
Q said it on April 21.
It's amazing the number of gullible people here who don't think logically.
This place is like no other. Period.
It takes 3-5 seconds to filter a shill. I can do that faster than they can make the post.
It's a cuck country. Until they get some testosterone running that island, they're fucked.
The pendulum swings both ways
Trump reeks of testosterone.
And how exactly does one do that?
Current board avg IQ level: Zimbabwe.
>Seriously getting turned off by the closemindedness here on 8 as of late.
This place regularly gets invaded.
But the true anons always prevail,
It's martial law.
Me too!
A distinction without a difference.