Clay Clark
I had to turn off Bannon today when Clay Clark was on.
He's the guy on tour with Flynn.
Clark comes off as a salesman. A pitch man. A carnival barker.
When he said "The US chose God, and God chose Israel…." I turned off the podcast. No more needed to be said.
What kind of "Christian" would say such a thing? What king of patriot would say such a thing?
It's unbelievable. Incredible, even, that he would think for a second that he's going to grow a patriot audience by saying God chose Israel.
On the one side, we've got communist traitors. On the other, so-called evangelical hucksters and retards who believe that Jews are God's chosen. If they are God's chosen, then why don't you convert? I'd have more respect for you!
Even if you have some prophetic belief that Israel needs to be re-established before Christ comes again, you are essentially saying "we support Israel so that they can be converted" - do you have such little respect for Jews that you'd think they would be duped by you? Are you just using them? Either way, it's shameful. You have such little respect for "God's chosen" that you would use them like that. It's psychopathic, really.
Possibly, if the old testament, the torah, is to be believed, they *were God's chosen. But, if you are truly Christians, you understand that there is such a thing as the NEW testament. God's NEW covenant.
Fucking weirdos and retards.
I'm willing to accept that Jews believe they are God's chosen. I'm willing to accept that Muslims believe that they are God's chosen. I'm willing to accept that Hindus believe that they are God's chosen. I am perfectly fine with that and can have good relationships with any and all of them. It's the evangelicals, who believe that some other group than them are God's chosen, that baffles me and makes me not trust them or want to have anything to do with them.