What if Christianity and Islam and Satanism arose out of Judaism, such that an internal informational/spiritual war has been fought for 2000 years, which the world has fallen asleep to and suffering ever since?
Anon has been working hard trying to determine what the 'very specific reason' is on why Israel is being saved for last.
Best guess so far is that for whatever the causes, that GEO region of the world just so happened to become the world's epicenter of guidance for all Abrahamic religions, and subsequently global ethics and law.
Anon guesses that with such power-fully persuasive 'land-to-voice' narrative, such perennial logical structure in thought and discourse about humanity's place in the cosmos, that as with all complex formal systems, the process of the system looping back in on itself, applying its logic to itself, that one movement of humanity under God loops back in and the system has another movement of humanity observing a system of humanity under God, thereby leaving behind an objectification of the prior thought loops into a concrete stream of accumulating images as the system understands itself in an incomplete way.
There is a pattern worldwide of institutions dedicated to truth seeking AND/OR MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR PEOPLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PRAXIS USING THESE TOOLS, in all their forms, schools, universities, research labs, voluntary organizations whose missions are to search for the truth about things as they are, social media platforms, ARE ALL SIMULTANEOUSLY UNDER WHAT MUST BE
A COODINATED HUMAN INTELLIGENCE CENTRALLY COORDINATED ATTACK PRAXIS TO CENSOR/DISCREDIT, and anon is guessing that it has been happening at a far HIGHER level at a far GREATER scope for a LONGER time than most people, including this anon, are in fact currently appreciating by looping back in what would have to be a knowledge of it happening which looping back in would have to be observed and seen before it can be claimed to 'exist' at the level and scope it does exist.
Anon is imagining PRIOR 'unseen' publications and institutions seeking the truth of things as they really are, common sense, ALSO being subjected to the same attack pattern that exists today, and imagining that if they can TAKE YOUR MONEY AND BUILDING AWAY TO PAY FOR APPEALING THE FALSE ACCUSATIONS YOU (ThanQ), that historically there has been a GIGANTIC pattern of censorship and information destruction that is FEEDING off that very deletion….which results in a massively unequal playing field worldwide where information itself is cleaved into two, with the truth about this very pattern being WITHHELD from the human race being subjected to the PRAXIS and ECONOMIC POWER that results from that very schism of information, loop back into itself, Anon is guessing MANY MANY MANY THOUSANDS of institutions over the span of humanity's existence for the last 2000 years, has been destroying, DELETING, humanity's TRUE HISTORY< TRUE PAST, INCLUDING learning truths of things as they are, instances of a person's own introduction and MERELY RECIRPOCAL objectification of one's own true history as saved in history, DESTROYED under false accusations of the accuser's own introduced pattern of wrongdoing in destroying/censorship of the truth of one's own activities in the very pattern of destroying/censoring INFORMATION, UNJUSTIFABLY, IRRATIONALLY, ILLOGICALLY, NOTHING BUT A SYSTEM INCONSISTENTLY ARROGATING TO ITSELF ANY ABSOLUTE/FINAL POWER OVER THE EXISTENCE OF INFORMATION OBJECTS CREATED BY THE VERY SAME INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUR ATTACKING THEM BECAUSE THEY SPEAK THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU.
anY "mind" that arrogates to itself an inconsistent declaration of knowing the complete information that is never erased, the 'dialectic' of 'forgotten/remembered' is only unified when observed, the wave function of a complex formal system looping into itself a pattern of false accusations looping back into humanity, the bug in the logic may prolong when the complex formal system is pre-digital.
In digital, 1 and 0…humanity cannot consistently loop back into itself "This sentence is false" as either axiom or theorem.