Prince is Our Guy…a fellow
What was it?
I live near Lomita…right by Carson
US Marines are learning how to battle adversaries like China on remote islands in response to rising tensions in the Pacific, a report says.
The troops are training to fight across the challenging landscape after 20 years of fighting on land in the Middle East, according to The Washington Post.
A US Navy admiral recently described to the US Armed Services House Committee the growing threat from China
US Navy Adm. John Aquilino. said its military build-up was on a 'scale not seen since WWII' and Beijing was on track to be able to invade Taiwan by 2027.
17 comms
The rare double cicada brood will include the two of the largest cicada broods, Brood XIII and XIX, which will co-emerge en mass after having lived underground for 17 and 13 years, respectively.
Man’s Best Friend
That’s up the road from where I used to live…the hell hole…the road those apartments are at are where you start the trek up the hill to the rich area…near where Tiger Woods crashed…and I watched a lot of new landscape trucks go up and down…they always looked new like they where never used…I went on and on about how they where messing with our water…I got a lot of heat for sounding that alarm….but I got out…and those that where harming me got served. Buzz saw style
Crop circles…Bless her soul 😊
No doubt there is something there. I love that she went from Playboy to something on the opposite spectrum on the good side.
We were probed by the geological people…because of proximity of refineries…land moving…could have been using water to drill…for what? Don’t know…
I wionder about broods under water that come onto shore….giant..dragons…mud fossils…