Anonymous ID: 4f7ca5 March 31, 2024, 7:10 a.m. No.20656803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6831


>good morning Ralph. monthly wrap up. the beginning is near

Hard to believe we are almost to April already.



Q/Potus Zero delta




compilation vid of strzok page text news. Hannity and

Joe Digenova on Laura Ingram


As I've been saying for two years, there was a brazen plot to illegally exonerate Hillary Clinton in the email case and then if she lost, to frame Donald Trump. And that is exactly what these texts are about. (Strzok Page texts) Whehter or not strzok page are indicted is certainly a question that people can debate but let me just say, I know there's a grand jury under way.Testimony is being taken about strzok page mccabe and others involved in thhis case and the reason we know it that James Baker the former counsel general for the FBI has turned state's evidence and is fully cooperatging with the inspector general and with the federal grand jury. I can assure you, mr comey has been very silent in recent weeks. and the reason is very simple. he knows he's going to be indicted