might be in the top ten of answers to 'what is Q'.
the craw
Their brains are full is such fallacies
>and I don't have the security clearance to know if I should fucking hate him or not right now.
That is essentially the very problem with the obesely bloated fat pig of Security State Of Secrecy today… it is maintained at ALL cost to obscure more crime, sedition and Treason than it is actually protecting our country, civilization and humanity. The complete irony of something constantly touted as "indispensable" which inevitably leads to complete self destruction and likely fall of civilization itself.
There are a LOT of stupid people in the "Intelligence Community".
The Secrecy Security Industry,
i can think of no other activity more susceptible to an ever DECREASING quality of character with each cycle INCREASING its efforts to hiding its expansion of crimes.
need some more of those "your AI is faggot" memes
>Authentic Campaigns
if this is the correct logo, a quick search returns a lot of "B2B" stuff. kinda ready-made for money laundering.
it would be great if he was perpwalked while wearing his sparkly devil suit.
is commingling Faiths concomitant with devolutions?
ya jive turkey