Anonymous ID: 57cfbe July 6, 2018, 11:06 p.m. No.2066204   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Although this blog is over-the-top left leaning

there are gems to be found.


Travolta’s leadership of the scientology effort in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake deserves particular mention. First, scientology runs its own corps of whackers, the Scientology Volunteer Ministry (SVM). SVM’s job is to make the Church's good humanitarian works visible to the media at any opportunity, but even the media has had a tendency to notice that they are epically incompetent at providing the humanitarian services they purport to provide.


For instance, the SVM notoriously got in the way at 9/11 and the Haiti earthquake – as whackers are wont to do. A marvelous description of their Haiti effort is provided here, the purpose of which was to provide scientology’s own version of faith healing. Another newspaper article that subtly hints at Travolta’s lack of awareness is here. In fairness it should be mentioned that Travolta flew in real doctors and medicine as well.


——————————— the referred-to article


Scientologists in Haiti: A Firsthand Account

Ravi Somaiya — 02/02/10 05:51AM — Filed to: EXCLUSIVE


We've spoken to someone who traveled to Haiti on a Scientology plane — and witnessed firsthand the ineptitude, quackery and irresponsibility of the church's minions in a disaster zone. Here's his account.


I arrived at JFK last week, ready to go.

I knew we were traveling with doctors and EMTs, but I didn't expect to see 50 scientologists, in their yellow shirts with Volunteer Minister on them. They were completely unprepared for going to a third world country, let alone a disaster zone. One girl was in designer cowboy boots. I asked her if she'd brought any sturdier footwear.


"Oh no, these'll be fine."


I asked another guy what he'd packed and he said he hadn't bothered to bring soap or toilet paper or food, but that he'd just "buy whatever I need at Port-au-Prince airport." I couldn't break it to him.


They had no place to stay, and no supplies — their idea was to use the ton of money they had to buy food to distribute when they got there. But there was no food and no water. That was the point.


By the time we arrived in Haiti, after a stopover in Miami, we had missed three landing slots at the airport. Aid agencies — genuine aid agencies — from other countries were being turned away, refused permission to land. But we still got a slot straight away. The guy who ran our charter seemed to think that the Scientologists had some real influence with the US Government, who were assigning the slots.


The doctors and EMTs in our party headed straight downtown to start working. The Scientologists had nowhere to go, and nowhere to put up the big yellow tent they'd brought for touch healing people in. They went to the UN, and managed to get on to their list of approved NGOs somehow. That meant they could set up in the UN grounds.


But they had no-one who spoke Creole, and they brought the weirdness of touch healing into a very superstitious society. They'd leave the tent and come into the general hospital downtown, and try healing people. One of the doctors and one of the nurses told me that the wounded started coming to them to tell them they didn't want to be treated by the people in the yellow shirts.


One nurse told me that the Scientologists actually caused harm — they gave food to people who were scheduled to go into surgery. That then led to complications in the operating theater.


On the way back, the plane stopped in Miami and did not go on to New York, stranding all the doctors and EMTs and journalists who expected to get back. After much fighting, the Scientologist representative agreed to fly any of the EMTs that "absolutely couldn't afford the ticket" on Jet Blue from Fort Lauderdale. I heard there were complications but had bought my own ticket because I was fed up with their weirdness.

Anonymous ID: 57cfbe July 6, 2018, 11:35 p.m. No.2066541   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Has it been explored about any astrological significance of Hussein's birth date and location?

Location is important.

There are beliefs in "magnetic meridians" also.


What with the nude photos of Ann Dunham

and the "none" on the birth certificate under employment — meaning she was not a student, not employed and living in a beach house on Oahu with a black man from "Kenya."


I looked up the history of "kenya" and although it was still a "colony" it was referred to as "Kenya." Which could explain that piece of it.


I also explored the notion that the highway name did not have the normal Hawaiian apostrophe where it should be on the birth certificate, which a native Hawaiian would normally include, as it is part of the dialect. It reads as one word, not as a Hawaiian word.


So – Ann took nude photos for money?

why didn't her family help her?

Many years ago, I thought there was a possibility that she did not really know who the father was, and that Hussein looked more likely as part Hawaiian native than African .


The best debunk I've seen of the birth certificate was michael trimm's computer work removing layers of the photo to expose differences in color and typos.


pic is the house that now stands at that address

I haven't looked at the tax assessor site to verify the year the house was built

but there is a derelict house nearby that is not habitable selling for nearly a million dollars

Anonymous ID: 57cfbe July 6, 2018, 11:50 p.m. No.2066701   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I assume you are the anon who posted the photo of the birth certificate many boards ago

which started me looking again for such of the same clues you were looking for


I think this is interesting because

Trump wouldn't risk his reputation making a wild statement about Hussein's nationality



Trump has the resources to investigate this, and I'm beginning to think that this "fued" has been going on for a while now.

When I see the gold curtains in the WH that Obama put up

I wonder if it was a jab at Trump

then I expected Trump to replace them

which I believe is usually done

but Trump kept them up

to jab Hussein right back


after watching the WH correspondents dinner where Hussein spent extended time making fun of Trump, even showing what the WH would look like under Trump

I just think it is a silent feud and not just a once or twice jab at each other


pic is Hussein's version of Trump WH