Anonymous ID: e1a638 July 6, 2018, 11:22 p.m. No.2066410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6445


Just so you know, I don't think anyone cares about another Q post. Every day another 500 people (mostly from our side) die from opioid overdose and suicide. Just happened to my best friend's little brother a few months ago and now my best friend is contemplating suicide as well. I think people are starting to wonder when help is coming. This whole operation has been staged carefully to prevent hillbots from suicide, and the truth from overwhelming normies, but what about for our side? They have to keep patiently waiting and taking damage. What about for people who have been burdened with these truths for years or even decades? There's also some of us who aren't sure if help is EVER coming, Q could be a pacification technique for all we know. I am (Sort of) a Q fan but something concrete needs to happen and you deserve all of the criticism until it does.

Anonymous ID: e1a638 July 6, 2018, 11:38 p.m. No.2066567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6615 >>6616


It's not emotional shaming it's just reality. I do not have a "40K ft view" from here in Mexico-occupied Commie California. All I see are thousands of homeless white people walking around everywhere like zombies, robbing whatever isn't tied down. Theft under $1K isn't even jail time here anymore there are literally thousands of criminals and meth addicts roaming the streets at night. All I see is an obituary filled EVERY DAY with young, good-looking, FIT men and women who offed themselves for no explicable reason. So yeah, there will not be any "trusting of the plan" on my end, I am a results-oriented person. Sorry if you don't like it.