Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 7:23 a.m. No.20677048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7050

WATCH: Liberal cabinet minister pushes for trans men to play women's sports


Liberal MP Carla Dawn Qualtrough is pushing for all Canadian sports to enforce 'inclusivity' — meaning biological men and women should be allowed to play together.


She claimed this was an "evidence-based" perspective.


Qualtrough has served as a Liberal MP since Justin Trudeau became prime minister in 2015. In July 2023, she was appointed Minister of Sport and Physical Activity.


Qualtrough, who is a former paralympic swimmer, released a video telling Canadians it is "evidence-based" in celebration of the so-called International Transgender Day of Visibility, which this year fell on Easter Sunday.


While Christians were celebrating Resurrection Sunday, US President Joe Biden and Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek issued statements declaring the day belonging to the trans community.


“Today, on the International Day of Trans Visibility, I want to talk about trans representation and inclusion in sport. I believe that as leaders in sport and in Canada, our responsibility is to support the full inclusion of trans persons in sport,” said Qualtrough.


“Trans rights are human rights, everyone has a right to be included and participate in sport.”


The Liberal MP feigned understanding for those who say men and women shouldn’t share changerooms and be pitted against each other in sport.


She said Canadians have to respect the “trans right” of playing on a team that is opposite of their biological sex and said it is an “evidence-based” assertion that biological men can compete with women and vice versa.

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 7:26 a.m. No.20677058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9205 >>8165 >>9783

==The Crimes of Justin Trudeau: The Coutts 4

Gord Magill==


The Emergency Measures Act in Canada was passed under the Liberal Government of Pierre Trudeau in 1988. Since its enactment, the EMA has been used only once, by his son, Justin Trudeau, to shut down the Freedom Convoy. The Act authorizes the Government of Canada to take extraordinary temporary measures in response to urgent and critical situations that cannot be effectively dealt with under other laws. In cases of public welfare or public order emergencies confined to one province, the Act cannot be used if the provincial cabinet indicates that the situation is within its capacity to handle.


Which means that Justin Trudeau needed the cooperation of Doug Ford of the Ontario government who claimed that the province did not have the capacity to handle the peaceful protest in Ottawa, and he needed to find scapegoats in another province. Those scapegoats were Jerry Morin, Anthony Olienick, Chris Carbert, and Chris Lysak, collectively known as the Coutts 4, so named after the truckers’ demonstration of the Coutts border crossing in Alberta.


And the timing of their arrest and accusations against them was very convenient for Justin. The RCMP at the behest of Trudeau’s government started an undercover operation during the Coutts protest. They claimed that on February 10th, protester Anthony Olienick informed two undercover female police officers that he was expecting a delivery, which the officers understood to be a bag of firearms, although no such statement was made by Olienick.


Just after midnight on February 14th, the RCMP executed a search warrant against the four men under charges of conspiring to murder a police officer, despite the fact that prior to their subsequent arrest only two of the men knew each other, and no such statements were made by any of the four men. One of the four men was arrested on his way to work, some 400 kilometers from the protest taking place at Coutts.


The next day, on February 15th of 2022, Justin Trudeau implemented the Emergency Measures Act to shut down the Freedom Convoy and other truckers’ protests across Canada.


Gord Magill is a Canadian trucker, writer, podcaster, and commentator, with 27 years on the road in four different countries. He regularly contributes to Newsweek, American Compass, Compact, and numerous other publications, including his own Autonomous Truck(er)s substack, where he also hosts the Voice Of GO(r)D podcast. Gord has kept close tabs on the Coutts 4 over the past two years, and he joins me today to bring us the truth, the whole truth that our government has tried to suppress and mainstream media has perverted to accommodate the government narrative.


What you will hear in this extensive interview is the real reason Trudeau enacted the EMA, the gross miscarriage of justice to which these four men had been subjected, and the continued threat to our rights and freedoms that will almost certainly occur again if Trudeau’s government is allowed to get away with their illegal actions.


LINK: Autonomous Truck(er)s –

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 8:07 a.m. No.20677215   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Lawfare Against John Eastman and Jeff Clark Portend The Fate of Every Right-Leaning Attorney Who Fails To Stand Up For Their Persecuted Colleagues


If the Biden Regime can be summarized by a single word, it would be: injustice. No presidential administration in the history of the United States ever observed such an egregious assault on civil liberties and the rule of law, especially constitutional due process and the presumption of innocence, than what is now occurring under Biden and his weaponized Department of Justice today. Donald Trump is, of course, Political Hostage Numero Uno of the weaponized justice system – and his white martyrdom at the hand of a deeply subverted justice system in this country has galvanized his base, and his countrymen, to levels that surpass anytime since he first entered politics in 2015. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 8:17 a.m. No.20677246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9211 >>8167 >>9790

Conservative PM Giorgia Meloni’s Italy is the Fastest Growing European Economy, Leaving Liberal Germany Behind


In the season of economic stagnation that Europe is living, a rather surprising development has arisen, as Italy, widely considered one of the old continent’s most fragile economies, has jumped forward as the fastest growing nation.


This has been acknowledged by both the German and the British press, two of Italy’s most traditional economic rivals for the European leadership.


German paper Deutsche Welle went as far as saying that the country led by conservative Prime Minister Georgia Meloni was EU’s new ‘locomotive’.


“While governments in Rome were used to announcing depressing growth forecasts and poor debt rankings in the years before the pandemic, the country is now quickly becoming Europe’s growth engine. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 8:27 a.m. No.20677279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9227 >>8184 >>9812

Argentina’s Javier ‘Chainsaw’ Milei Slashes 15 Thousand Taxpayer-Funded State Jobs, Fulfilling Campaign Promise – Unions Stage Protests


When he was elected President of Argentina, the libertarian economist and TV personality Javier Milei became responsible for tackling a very serious problem: how to turn around an economy destroyed by the Peronist socialists who drove almost 60% of the citizens below the poverty line.


And what’s worse: how to do that while being maligned non-stop by the leftist MSM that helps fuel the internal opposition.


The Milei response has been to plow along and try to implement his policies as fast and as broadly as possible.


Yesterday (3), another step in this direction was taken, as Argentina announced that it had cut 15,000 taxpayer-funded state jobs.


It’s ‘the chainsaw’ in action, as promised during the campaign.


Milei’s aggressive campaign to slash spending put his government on a collision course with angry protesters and powerful trade unions. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 8:37 a.m. No.20677306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9195 >>8150 >>9764

Alarming Discovery: Cancer-Causing ‘Forever Chemicals’ Detected in Band-Aids – Enters Bloodstream Through Open Wounds, Experts Warn


In a groundbreaking study spearheaded by the consumer advocacy group Mamavation, alarming levels of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), commonly referred to as ‘forever chemicals’, have been discovered in widely-used bandage brands, including Band-Aid.


PFAS, known for their persistence in the environment and in human bodies, have been linked to a slew of health issues, including cancer, immune system disruption, and reproductive problems.


Mamavation’s inquiry into the presence of PFAS in bandages was conducted in partnership with Environmental Health News and received scientific validation from notable experts such as Terrence Collins of Carnegie Mellon University and Linda S. Birnbaum, former director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. The study entailed sending 40 bandages from 18 different brands to an EPA-certified laboratory to test for the presence of PFAS.


The results were alarming: 65% of the tested bandages contained detectable levels of PFAS, with concentrations ranging from 11 to 328 parts per million (ppm). Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 8:45 a.m. No.20677335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9211 >>8165 >>9785

Here We Go: Moderna Developing mRNA Vaccines for Multiple Diseases Reportedly Linked to the COVID Shot


Last week, Moderna announced progress on several mRNA-based vaccines for diseases, including many reportedly linked to the COVID-19 shot.


The Defender reported that three of these shots in question, the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Varicella-zoster virus (VZV, chickenpox and shingles), and Norovirus have advanced to “pivotal late-stage development.”


Moderna also revealed in their announcement that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will likely approve its respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine mRNA-1345 for older adults. The Defender notes this is part of an expected $52 billion market for Moderna’s infectious disease vaccines.


Vaccines for cancer and autoimmune diseases are also under development by Moderna.


All of this could prove problematic. The Defender notes that multiple reports have linked COVID-19 vaccines to shingles and EBV.


From the Defender: Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 8:56 a.m. No.20677371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9193 >>8149 >>9763

Even Elon Musk’s Tesla is Feeling the Pain as Consumers Reject Overpriced EVs


Even Elon Musk’s coveted car brand Tesla is feeling the pain as America turns its back on electric vehicles and the high costs associated with them.


In the first three months of 2023, the company sold just under 387,000 electric cars to customers, the lowest quarterly figure in almost a year. This also represented an eight percent fall year-on-year and below analysis expectations.


Meanwhile, Tesla’s shares fell more than four percent on the news, marking a 30 percent fall since the beginning of the year.


“While we were anticipating a bad 1Q, this was an unmitigated disaster 1Q that is hard to explain away,” Wedbush analyst Dan Ives said in a note shortly after the report’s release. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 9:12 a.m. No.20677430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9211 >>8165 >>9785

Ultra-Processed Food as Ultimate Soft-Kill Weapon


We the serfs on the techno-fiefdom that is the modern world can — at least in theory, at least for now — forego mRNA injections, even under threat of the loss of their livelihoods (although, apropos to the theme of this article, engineered mRNA is increasingly added to the food supply, eliminating informed consent).


We can toss toxic pharmaceutical prescriptions in the trash as fast as doctors on the industry take can write them.


We can skirt 5G radiation via strategic relocation.


As of now, most of the technocracy’s bioweapons disguised as medical therapies or technological conveniences can be avoided, albeit often at great personal expense and risk.


But everyone has to eat food, and everyone has to drink water.


And, unless you’re dredging your own well water and growing your own food to the extent of complete independence (and even then, there’s no protection against soil depletion or GMO franken-DNA blowing onto your property from a nearby operation), the food and water supply is a target-rich environment for depopulationist technocrats — and the corporations, NGOs, and governments in their back pockets — to exploit. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 9:21 a.m. No.20677473   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tesla Eyes $2-3 Billion Factory Expansion Into India


If Tesla has demand worries as a result of its poor Q1 2024 delivery numbers, it sure isn't showing it.


Instead the company is reported to be looking to expand even further geographically, with FT reporting this week that Tesla is eyeing India as a potential site for its next electric vehicle factory, with an investment estimate ranging from $2 billion to $3 billion.


The company is set to explore locations in states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Tamil Nadu, known for their existing automotive infrastructure. This move aligns with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's push to strengthen domestic manufacturing, according to CNBC and FT. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 9:26 a.m. No.20677493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9227 >>8184 >>9812

Iran Rocked By Overnight Terror Attacks As Gunmen Leave 11 Dead, Including IRGC Officer


A series of terror attacks rocked Iran overnight involving gunmen in several locations storming military and police stations, which left at least eleven security service members dead. It happened in the country's restive border province which sits near Afghanistan and Pakistan.


State media detailed on Thursday that at least 16 suspected Sunni militants were killed during the assaults, which took place in the towns of Chabahar and Rask in Sistan-Baluchestan. "The terrorists failed to succeed achieving their goal of seizing the Guards headquarters in Chabahar and Rask," deputy Interior Minister Majid Mirahmadi announced. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 9:37 a.m. No.20677545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9227 >>8184 >>9812

Congo Becomes Latest Female-Led Nation


The appointment of Judith Suminwa Tuluka as prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo was announced Monday.


The former minister is the first woman who was made head of government in the country and the 17th female head of government or state on the African continent.


The Democratic Republic of the Congo is governed under a semi-presidential system where an elected president and an appointed prime minister share executive powers, similar to the systems of France and Russia. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 9:45 a.m. No.20677581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9205 >>8164 >>9781

Hungary Vows To Thwart NATO's Proposed $100BN, 5-Year Fund For Ukraine


NATO members have agreed to begin planning military support for Ukraine on a long-terms basis, in but the latest indicator assuring both escalation with Russia and that the war will drag on for possibly years more to come.


On Wednesday NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced that allies have "agreed to move forward with planning for a greater NATO role in coordinating security assistance and training." But it will still be an uphill battle to get some of the 'outlier' members on board. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 9:54 a.m. No.20677636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9202 >>8158 >>9775

Police Scotland Deluged With Nearly 4,000 Complaints As New Hate Crime Law Is Weaponized


As predicted, Police Scotland was deluged with nearly 4,000 complaints in the first day alone after the passage of an absurd new hate crime law, proving the legislation is being weaponized by activists.


Under the new legislation, anyone deemed to have been verbally ‘abusive’, in person or online, to a transgender person, including “insulting” them could be hit with a prison sentence of up to seven years.


Transgender activists have been busy making lists of people they are waiting on to make such comments, including Harry Potter author JK Rowling herself.


Although it was announced yesterday by police that Rowling wouldn’t be investigated, the mere fact that she has been reported could create a ‘hate incident’ file on her that will remain in perpetuity. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 10:05 a.m. No.20677688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9202 >>8158 >>9774

Spain To Recognize Palestinian Statehood, Calls On Western Allies To Follow Suit


Spain has been foremost among European countries which have repeatedly condemned Israel's ongoing military operation in Gaza and the resultant soaring Palestinian death toll. The EU country is also among those demanding answers for the drone strikes that killed a group of World Central Kitchen aid workers this week. "I expect and demand that the Israeli government clarify as soon as possible the circumstances of this brutal attack that has taken the lives of seven aid workers who were doing nothing but helping," Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said in a fresh statement.


But Prime Minister Sanchez is also driving global headlines for his Tuesday statements declaring the Spanish government is moving forward with recognizing Palestinian statehood. The Financial Times reported that the country is ready to bestow formal recognition as early as July. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 10:16 a.m. No.20677731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9211 >>8165 >>9785

CDC Releases Hidden Trove Of COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Reports


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released previously hidden reports of facial paralysis and other adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination.


The 780,000 reports were received shortly after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, and show people experienced a wide range of post-vaccination problems, including heart inflammation, miscarriages, and seizures.


“Loss of consciousness and seizure immediately following injection. Went to ER by ambulance,” one person reported.


“Diagnosed with Bells Palsy today due to left-sided facial numbness and paralysis,” another said.


People lodged the reports with V-safe, a text-message system created by the CDC to monitor for possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccines.


The CDC, for years, declined to make the V-safe data public, instead publishing studies that described the reports as providing reassurance about the safety of the shots. However, according to data released in 2022, nearly 8 percent of the 10 million users required medical attention or hospital care after vaccination, and many others reported missing school, work, or other normal activities.


That topline data came from check-the-box surveys. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 10:24 a.m. No.20677770   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How GPUs Are Disrupting High-Performance Computing


Graphics Processing Units, or GPUs, have moved beyond their original role of rendering video game graphics and are now used in a variety of high-performance computing applications (HPC), from AI training to zooplankton classification.


To help understand this pivot, Visual Capitalist teamed up with HIVE Digital to look at how GPUs differ from traditional CPUs and what gives them an edge. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 10:32 a.m. No.20677833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9202 >>8158 >>9775

In Wake Of Khan's 14-Year Sentence Being Overturned, Pakistani Judges Say Intel Operatives Threatened Them


Early this week a Pakistani court suspended the 14-year jail sentence previously handed down to former prime minister Imran Khan while allowing for appeal of his conviction for graft.


The Islamabad High Court ruled in favor of Khan as his lawyer argued that the prior charge of retaining and selling state gifts in violation of his office when he led the country were politicized, trumped up charges concocted by his adversaries from the start. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 10:41 a.m. No.20677877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9205 >>8164 >>9781

Zelenskyy Acquires Highgrove House, Former Residence of King Charles for £20Million


Ukraine’s Zelensky is the New Owner of Highgrove House, Former Home of King Charles and Princess Diana


Royal Purchase – Volodymyr Zelenskyy is the New Owner of Highgrove House, Previously Owned by King Charles. Highgrove House, near Tetbury in Gloucestershire, served as the country residence of King Charles III even after he assumed his new role as Britain’s reigning monarch. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 11:03 a.m. No.20677984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9227 >>8184 >>9812

Major League Baseball Begins Biometric Facial Recognition Scans


A new controversial form of ticketing that raises privacy concerns.


Technology developed by a company called NEC has been utilized to introduce biometric ticketing on the opening day of the 2024 Major League Baseball (MLB) season. This pilot was undertaken at four designated baseball parks, including Minute Maid Park in Houston, where it was revealed that around 6,000 eager baseball fans favored convenience and used the touchless technology for entry to the stadium.


Nationals Park in Washington incorporated the biometric tech through MLB’s Go-Ahead Entry system into their opening day proceedings. Using the MLB Ballpark app for touchless access, ballpark attendees could breeze through dedicated entrances using face biometrics enrolled via a selfie. Notably, Nationals Park has four such specialized lanes providing quick and easy access to fans who use the new system.


The Phillies are also implementing the system across the entire stadium following a trial run at Citizens Bank Ballpark in Philadelphia. The year prior saw the introduction of facial recognition technology for game admission in New York for the Mets games and in Cleveland for Guardians games. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 1:21 p.m. No.20678651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9211 >>8167 >>9790

Queen’s University introduces med school lottery to increase doctor diversity


Queen’s University has unveiled a lottery system for its medical school admissions process, claiming that the new process will help address equity issues on a broad scale.


The new admissions process builds on an existing pathway that supported recruiting black and Indigenous high school students on an accelerated track.


In a press release issued Tuesday, the university claimed that inflated thresholds intended to manage applicant volume and emphasize extracurricular or volunteer activities “disadvantage certain groups, either due to inherent biases with the required tests, or by favouring the privilege required to build one’s application package.”


Dr. Jane Philpott, Dean of Health Sciences, said that the thousands of applicants who would make excellent doctors will be given an equal opportunity to be selected for the interview stage.


“This will help level the playing field for prospective students,” she said.


However, Dr. Chris Milburn offered a different viewpoint in an exclusive interview with True North, a point he said led to him being fired from Dalhousie University’s medical school admissions committee.


Instead of lowering standards, he suggested reaching out to communities not generally meeting standards and figuring out how to assist them.


Queen’s University’s new MD Program admissions process will still set admissions thresholds for grade points average, Medical College Admissions Test scores, and a situational judgment test score “at levels that align with the potential for predicting success in medical school.”


All applicants who meet these thresholds will be entered into a lottery to determine who will be invited to interviews. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 1:32 p.m. No.20678708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9203 >>8145 >>9760

The Alberta Roundup | Anti-carbon tax protesters frustrated with Smith


A national protest to scrap the federal carbon tax began on Monday as the Trudeau government increased the tax once again. As thousands of Canadians across the country took part in the protest earlier this week, Albertans took it to another level. Event organizers across various Alberta locations told True North that protesters are prepared to stay for weeks and even managed to slow down traffic considerably.


However, protesters are increasingly frustrated with Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, who said on Tuesday that she doesn’t support carbon tax protesters stopping the flow of traffic.


Should Smith be more supportive of the carbon tax protesters and even attend one of the demonstrations? What do you think?

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 1:42 p.m. No.20678741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9211 >>8165 >>9785

Erin O’Toole claims Conservative opposition to vaccine mandates was reason he lost


The Conservatives lost the last federal election by being on the “wrong side of public opinion on the vaccine mandate issue,” former leader Erin O’Toole says.


In an appearance before the Public Inquiry Into Foreign Interference, O’Toole, who led the Conservatives in the 2021 election, attributed his loss to the mandate debate.


O’Toole told the commission that Justin Trudeau called the election because the Conservatives’ position on mandates was unpopular.


The Conservative position in August 2021, when the last election was called, was that the COVID-19 vaccines should not be mandated for public transportation. Instead, unvaccinated people should’ve been required to show a “recent negative test result” or pass a rapid test to be able to board a bus, train, plane or ship.


O’Toole encouraged vaccination while also accusing the Liberals of politicizing the issue. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 1:51 p.m. No.20678773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9211 >>8167 >>9790

“You’re not welcome here” Quesnel councillor tells residential school book contributor in chaotic meeting


A British Columbia city council meeting erupted in chaos as debates over a controversial book on residential schools led to heated exchanges and calls for the mayor’s resignation.


The book at the centre of the controversy, “Grave Error: How the Media Misled Us (and the Truth about Residential Schools)” sparked a widespread backlash from some in the B.C. city of Quesnel, particularly among council members and Indigenous groups. True North is the publisher of the collection of essays.


The controversy began when Pat Morton, the wife of Mayor Ron Paull, distributed 10 copies of the book, which has stirred controversy over its critical analysis of certain claims about residential schools in Canada, specifically those regarding purported unmarked grave discoveries.


The distribution led to a packed council meeting, where supporters and opponents of the book voiced their concerns.


During the meeting, some attendees, many wearing traditional Indigenous attire, jeered at speakers defending the book, including Morton and Prof. Frances Widdowson, one of the Grave Error’s several contributors.


Morton expressed regret over the division the book’s distribution had caused, stating, “I’m sorry you’re here due to the actions of this council. I’m sorry if my actions sharing the book have upset you.”


Morton asked the audience to listen to her as she had listened to other speakers.


“I’d like you to listen to me. I listened to you, so please listen to me,” said Morton.


Widdowson faced significant opposition when she questioned the council’s stance on misinformation, specifically regarding claims of unmarked graves at the Kamloops Indian Residential School which were spread by the media but have never been verified.


When it was Widdowson’s turn to speak, members of the gallery jeered the professor and author. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 2:04 p.m. No.20678833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9202 >>8158 >>9775

“Auto theft has reached crisis levels,” police say after recovery of 598 stolen cars


Investigators who are part of a multi-jurisdictional investigation into Canada’s auto theft crisis announced the recovery of 598 stolen vehicles since the investigation began last December.


“In Canada, a vehicle is stolen every five minutes,” said Bryan Gast, vice president of investigative services for Équité Association. “Auto theft has reached crisis levels in Canada.”


Auto theft claims have skyrocketed since 2020, up 319% nationally, which prompted the Ontario Provincial Police’s Auto Theft and Towing team to partner up with the Canada Border Service Agency to recover vehicles and intercept them before they’re illegally exported out of the country.


The ongoing investigation, which has been billed “Project Vector,” is being carried out in collaboration with the Sûreté du Quèbec, Montreal Police, and the Équité Association.


Representatives from each agency were present at a press conference in Montreal on Wednesday to give the public an update as auto thefts spiral out of control.


A vehicle stolen every five minutes means that about 135,360 vehicles have been stolen in Canada since the beginning of 2024. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 2:10 p.m. No.20678870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9202 >>8158 >>9775

Ford rejects call from chief medical officer to increase drinking age to 21


Ontario Premier Doug Ford says he disagrees with the province’s top doctor’s recommendation to increase the drinking age to 21 and decriminalize certain drugs.


Ford pointed out the absurdity of someone being old enough to serve in the Canadian Armed Forces but not be able to enjoy a drink.


“I disagree with raising the (drinking) age to 21 and one of my principles (is) these young people they put a uniform on and go fight for freedom around the world, driving tanks and heavy military equipment, and putting their lives on the line for democracy and they can’t go back later and have a beer?” he said during a press conference in Oliver Paipoonge, Ont. Wednesday.


“That doesn’t cut it.”


Ford was responding to a recommendation made by Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore, who suggested the change as part of his 2023 annual report.


The province’s drinking age wasn’t the only recommendation that the two didn’t see eye to eye on however, as Moore also suggested decriminalizing simple possession of unregulated drugs for personal use.


However, the health minister’s office took issue with the notion of decriminalizing hard drugs and immediately rejected the suggestion.


Ford said despite the disagreement, he still has a lot of respect for Moore. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 2:19 p.m. No.20678932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9211 >>8167 >>9790

Studies showing that diversity improves corporate performance were flawed


Studies purporting that racial diversity amongst corporate executives drove better financial performance were found to be unreliable and are not capable of being replicated.


Four studies the international consulting agency McKinsey & Company released between 2015-2023 pushed the idea that diversity and equity measures would lead to improved results.


The company claimed that racial diversity among a corporation’s leadership helps to drive better financial outcomes for the given corporation.


The McKinsey studies alleged that firms with an ethnically diverse executive team are more likely to financially outperform than they are to underperform compared to companies without diverse executive teams.


However, this assertion is being challenged by authors Jeremiah Green and John R. M. Hand who contend that McKinsey’s findings are illegitimate because they were unable to replicate the findings that McKinsey had reached.


In their own review of the studies, Green and Hand explained that since McKinsey has not made public the detailed datasets, nor the names of the firms studied, they were forced to perform a quasi-replication using companies listed on the S&P 500 index to test McKinsey’s findings empirically.


Measuring earnings before income and tax, the duo found that there was no statistically significant difference between firms with a “diverse” executive team and those without one. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 2:23 p.m. No.20678958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9198 >>8156 >>9772

Canadian cities buckling under immigration influx


Shelter services in Brampton are operating at 300% capacity with asylum seekers occupying more than 70% of beds – a number that Mayor Brown expects to triple under the Justin Trudeau Liberals' grandiose immigration targets. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 2:29 p.m. No.20678997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9193 >>8149 >>9763

CBC props up climate change ‘experts’ to tell Canadians what to think: Ezra Levant


'There's no expert opinion about politics, we each get our own opinion about politics. We're each experts about our own lives, but the CBC doesn't like that. They like to tell you what to think,' said Ezra Levant. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 2:32 p.m. No.20679010   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Autistic Dutch woman, 28, to end her life through euthanasia despite being physically healthy


Zoraya ter Beek cites a long struggle with mental illness including depression, autism and borderline personality disorder as her reason for seeking assisted suicide. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 2:47 p.m. No.20679085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9193 >>8145 >>8149 >>9760

'It's crazy!' Gas station customers react to carbon tax hike


Canadians across the nation are expressing their frustration over the recent 23% surge in carbon taxes, effective immediately on April 1. At the pump, customers are witnessing their bills rise while their wallets slowly empty. 'I think it's crazy. I think it's total nonsense and I don't understand,' claimed a customer, clearly flabbergasted by the sudden spike. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 2:59 p.m. No.20679154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9193 >>8149 >>9762

Former Conservative MP slams feds for 'betraying him' on foreign interference


At the China inquiry, former Conservative MP Kenny Chiu testified, 'It is almost like I was drowning, and they were watching.' He added, 'The best they could do… is let me know that I am drowning. I needed their help.' Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 3:45 p.m. No.20679404   🗄️.is 🔗kun

April 4 - Mankind Has a Death Wish—mankind-has-a-death-.html


Secretary of State Blinken says "Ukraine WILL become a member of NATO".

Ethan Hoff –Israel attacks Iranian embassy in Syria to provoke Iran, rope U.S. into WWIII

MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION: Russia can still launch its entire nuclear arsenal even if all Russians are dead


Scott Ritter: Israel Crossed Iran's Red Line and TOTAL WAR is Coming

Cop fined two weeks pay for $50 convoy donation asks for judicial review

Alex Newman- UN & Bill Gates Behind "Digital Public Infrastructure" for Global Control

Government Funded Charity Declares The Words 'Mother' And 'Father' Are "Oppressive"


Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 4:14 p.m. No.20679570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8165 >>9785

Austrian Press Conference Exposes Alarming Death Rate of Vaccine-Injured


Explosive Press Conference out of Austria (First two minutes are short highlights followed by longer clip.)


“Of these 50,000 cases, 35,000 cases are cataloged by age, gender, and symptomatology. …17.5% of these are [vaccine] death cases, meaning death occurred post-vaccination.. And we gladly provide this information archive to all authors, scientists, and journalists, for further work, research, and analysis“Participants


Mr. Rudolf Wagner – Corona Vaccine Victim, Dr. Helmut Luck, Head of the Pathology Institute, Microbiology at the Amstetten Regional Hospital, University Professor Dr. Hannes Strasser, Urologist, Emergency Physician, Mr. Forsthuber, Lawyer Mrs. Maria Barnett, Vaccine Victims Association RepresentativeHighlights Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 4:19 p.m. No.20679595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8149 >>9762

RCMP Commissioner says he wasn’t made aware of foreign interference


During today’s testimony, RCMP Commissioner Michael Duheme told the Foreign Interference Commission that he wasn’t made aware of several allegations of Chinese foreign interference leading up to the federal election.


When asked if he was aware of any allegations of “vote buying” or “enrichment” in British Columbia leading up to the 2019 and 2021 federal election, which likely cost Conservative MP Kenny Chiu his seat in the latter year, Duheme said, “No, because I believe that could have been a municipal matter, which didn’t tie into our national security framework that we have.”


He further stated that he was not made aware of any information related to Chinese foreign interference in the Don Valley North riding on behalf of Han Dong, who admitted to recruiting foreign students en masse to secure his position in the Liberal Party.


Commissioner Duheme also said that he was “not 100 percent sure” if he was given any information related to interference from the People’s Republic of China during the 2021 election.


Earlier, former Conservative MP Kenny Chiu explained that leading up to the election, he was subject to a concerted effort to slander him as a “race traitor” and white supremacist on Chinese social media to turn Chinese-Canadian voters away from him. He later learned that the government was aware of this but did nothing to stop it.


“I thought I would be protected by my country. And I was deeply troubled and disappointed that I was exposed, and the government didn’t seem to care. And now that, through the commission, I’ve learned that they’ve known all about it,” Chiu said.

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 4:25 p.m. No.20679621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8145 >>9760

Carbon tax protest organizers call for referendum


“It’s time to let Canadians decide.”


Organizers of the nationwide protests against the federal Liberal’s carbon tax held a press conference on Thursday where they said their goal was to have Prime Minister Justin Trudeau either call an election or give Canadians a referendum over the carbon tax.


Canadians began their nationwide protest against Trudeau’s carbon tax hike on Monday, staging protests in every province and nearly every border crossing in the country.


“We cannot tax the middle class into poverty. This tax will be the straw that breaks the Canadians’ backs,” said Karl Douville, one of the two organizers who spoke on Thursday.


“It’s time to let Canadians decide,” Douville added.


An Angus Reid poll last month showed that four out of five Canadians were opposed to the Liberals’ April 1 carbon tax hike, but the Liberals jacked it up anyway.


Douville also urged the government and law enforcement agencies to engage in respectful dialogue when addressing any issues that might arise from the demonstrations. He stressed the importance of open communication and a collaborative approach in resolving any concerns or conflicts that could emerge during the protests.


“Calm heads must prevail for everyone involved,” he said.

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 4:34 p.m. No.20679672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8165 >>9783

Trudeau asked why so many people hate him


Trudeau says so many people hate him because they’re “worried about their future.”


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was asked during an interview on Thursday morning why so many Canadians genuinely dislike him.


Trudeau is currently facing an unprecedented low in his party’s support — with 71% of all voters expressing a preference for him to step down before the next election.


“Why do you think people don’t like you?” CBC host Matt Galloway asked on his Thursday edition of The Current.


“I think there is a lot of frustration with the way the world is unfolding, and that frustration is being taken out on people in positions of power,” Trudeau responded.


“But what about you?” Galloway asked, pointing out that he sees F Trudeau stickers and flags everywhere he goes. “Why don’t people like you?”


Trudeau responded: “There is a level of polarization and toxicity that we see in a very visible way on social media. And also in real life, as you point out. But most Canadians remain thoughtful and open and decent and, yes, frustrated and worried about their future.” Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 5:13 p.m. No.20679854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8145 >>9760

Trudeau says he’s open to carbon tax alternatives as long as they’re the same


Speaking at a press conference in Manitoba, Justin Trudeau said provinces can offer alternatives to the carbon tax as long as they achieve the exact same results.


Speaking at a press conference in Manitoba, Justin Trudeau said provinces can offer alternatives to the carbon tax as long as they achieve the exact same results.


Speaking at a press conference in Manitoba, Justin Trudeau said provinces can offer alternatives to the carbon tax as long as they achieve the exact same results.


“But as I’ve said multiple times, provinces are free to move forward on their own pricing systems as long as they hit the same levels and the same outcomes that are in place across the country,” Trudeau said.


“BC and Quebec have had their own pricing system in place,” Trudeau continued. “It’s important that it not be free to pollute anywhere in the country… But every province is open to put forward an equivalent plan, and that’s what I’m happy to work on with the premier here and with anyone right across the country.”


Unfortunately, given that the carbon tax has had absolutely zero impact on the environment and seems to only be a punishment for the sin of driving, the only thing that could replicate this monumental failure of a policy would be the same policy.


What Premiers have said about the carbon tax and alternatives


As Newfoundland Premier Andrew Furey put it in his letter calling for an emergency meeting on the carbon tax, “Today, a gas-powered truck drives fishing gear to the wharf in a rural Newfoundland and Labrador community. After April 1, there will be an additional carbon tax, but that same truck still must drive fisihing gear to the wharf. There are no alternatives available. So, the key intent of this policy, to lower emissions, is not being achieved at this time.”

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 5:52 p.m. No.20680053   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CJPME: Canada’s Stalling on Arms Embargo Violates Parliamentary Vote


Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is calling on Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly to fully respect the intent of the Palestine motion adopted by Parliament on March 18 and impose a comprehensive embargo on all arms exports to Israel. While Joly has indicated that she is planning on enacting parts of the motion, she has said that any ban on arms exports will exclude trade under existing arms export permits, a massive loophole that contradicts the plain language understanding of the March 18 motion. CJPME reminds Joly that Parliament voted for a comprehensive end to arms transfers, and insists that she cancel all existing permits for weapons to Israel. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 6:27 p.m. No.20680250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8150 >>9766

Ontario school board trustee who opposes gender ideology resigns rather than be censured


Ontario school board trustee who opposes gender ideology resigns rather than be censured


"If 23 students all have different pronouns and the teacher gets one wrong, would that be grounds for a complaint?"


Ontario school trustee Linda Stone, who has publicly opposed gender ideology programs from her position in the Durham District School Board, has resigned for the second time.


Stone has been the target of censure from other trustees and has been barred from attending meetings, the National Post reports.


Stone told the media outlet Insauga: "I will carry on."


"Just not in a board full of cowards, leftists and bullies, with compassionless trustees who are clueless about the issues."


Stone resigned in 2022 after members of the school board also wanted to have her censured for opposing transgender policy in Durham schools that included not allowing parents to know if their children were "transitioning" to another gender.


She also refused to endorse a school board Human Rights Policy that claimed it was "not debatable" that the school and the province of Ontario are characterized by systemic racism. Continue…

Anonymous ID: b985b2 April 4, 2024, 9:55 p.m. No.20681028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8184 >>9787 >>9812

The WEF plan to remake Canada just SCORED a big win | Redacted with Clayton Morris


Canada's Medical Assistance in Dying program just got a big boost from government in Alberta. The WEF eugenics plan is moving into its next phase and Canadians can't stop it.