Anon in tard jail.
What was the "groundbreaking news" from Russia news Insider+western media yesterday?
Anon in tard jail.
What was the "groundbreaking news" from Russia news Insider+western media yesterday?
You just namefagged/famefagged.
Team anti-pig out to fail again in 'destroying' america winning meme
Ukraine literally sacrificing children to war.
When clown controlled legacy fake news complains about disinformation, what they're really saying is that they want a monopoly in it.
>is mocking
>not supporting
Non sequitur
>pig posts
Any anon can post pig, moron. Its open source data, not a person.
Deflection to anon calling out your deflection
You just conceded that any anon can post pig, therefore it is illogical to attribute any person to the meme.
>never namefag/famefag
You just namefagged and famefagged AGAIN. You're doing it over and over again.
>>Any anon can post pig
>yet I'm the problem, kek
"Yet" is a non sequitur.
Since any anon can post any pattern of meme, it is illogical to assert that "pig posts this, pig posts that, pig posts trump behind bars, blah blah blah".
What tenured, experienced anons can notice, quite easily, is the pattern of information that is the total set of "anti-pig" posts. The pattern there MATCHES the pattern used by fake news, and clown shills in all their iterations.
The more you UNSOLICITED write and aSsOCiAtE the words "famefag" or "namefag" to ANONYMOUSLY POSTED meme patterns, the more YOOOOOUUUUUUUUU are introducing what you are feigning outrage in denouncing.
Remember that clown in a phone booth meme that says "call him X namefag, then call to ban namefag"? That's you.
Looks like the "say famefag over and over and pretend you're not the source of famefag" trolls are again triggered over America Winning meme patterns, and are cringe deceitfully trying to get anons to dislike the meme pattern.
>Anons did that
That gives you away right there, projection shill.
>Broken record projection rinse and repeat
All you is project your own behavior.
>pig is
Not a person, it is a meme pattern, dumbass.
Panic moar.
>Shills project that anons attack "America winning
Kek, they can't even use the word projection right.
Obviously if you post memes that call out a d criticize pig, it's not a projection from the readers. It's what you openly admit to be doing.
Writing that over and over doesnt make it so.
Memes posted anonymously are by definition not namefag and cannot be famefag since there are no names to attribute any "fame" to.
Look at them contradict themselves trying to use the word projection. Morons, kmaol
You're only making anons conclude more that america winning meme patterns triggers and is over the target.
You are criticizing anons for posting certain meme patterns "over and over and over", but that's what you're doing, you're posting the same patterns over and over and over.
But you're not doing this in response to the full set of patterns that are posted repeatedly.
You're being highly selective, and trying to get anons to echo that selection.
If you were really against what you claim to be against, you
A. Wouldnt be doing it yourself, but you are.
B. Wouldnt be selectively targeting any particular pattern among thousands of them, but you are.
>IP hopping
Kek, that's also what you do.
Kek, outraged over namefagging, calls himself oldfag in desperate attept to gain credibility.
What fail.
>Projects ip hopping anytime pattern emerges of multiple anons noticing its own pattern
>Q hates namefag famefag
The only one doing that is you. You're 'seeing' your own reflection.
Anonymous posts are not namefag or famefag. You're trying to force a human body TO BECOME an open source meme pattern.
Won't work.
>it takes fire to fight fire unfortunately
False and illogical.
The irrational dialectic logic may call for bringing about a problem in order to 'solve the problem', but in the psychological AND DIGITAL reality, any program that claims to identify a bug, and then as a solution to the bug, seek to introduce as many identical bugs as possible, to smother out or make the bug decide to not be a bug, should not be anywhere near a system.
>if you have a better way I'm all ears
Stop thinking that your own psychology of "famefag" is motivating any other anon.
>but if you say ignore then you opt to give the battle for the hearts and minds of newfags to the enemy
That's an insult and a smear to anons. They are more than capable of deciding for themselves.
You're not against famefagging, you just want a monopoly in what you're projecting.
You are experiencing choleric emotion and projecting onto anon who is comfy and having a great time.
God bless.