It's almost like the more the country becomes comfy about he prospects of Q+ getting re-elected, the more the country agrees that there is something seriously wrong with the philosophy motivating the radical left deep state entrenched powers, that is manifesting itself in openly declaring people should chemically castrate children, and flood the country with trafficked humans which include rapists and killers, who are in fact now committing gang crimes all over the country, the more the public comes together, the more the enemy of the people clowns, through their fake news proxy puppets, screech hysteria and sky is falling panic stricken meltdown narrative.
Coincidence? Nope. They feed off humanity the more humanity is divided and in conflict, which the clowns are trying to foment country wide.
Neither communism leads to fascism nor fascism leads to communism.
Both spring from the same underlying collectivist ideology of humanity that seeks to overturn God as one source of all humans and make some humans Gods.
Both are controlled by the same cult families, who orchestrated WW1/WW2 as a mass human depopulation eugenics program.
Hitler and Stalin were two puppets of the same globalist terrorist network.
"We divide ourselves from the rest of humanity by bloodline, because 'our' bloodline enables 'us to know and see what the rest of humanity's bloodline cannot. When 'we' declare an accusatory statement as true, it is thereby absolutely true and nobody else and no information can ever disprove 'us'. 'Your God' is a lie, 'we' are Earth's real gods, the ultimate power learns about itself and reveals itself through 'us' and only 'us'. Everything 'we' think and do is the ultimate power becoming and finding itself in time on this Earth. If 'we' 'think' that it is better that 'we' hunt, rape, and brainwash 'your' children, because otherwise 'your' children will someday do the same to 'our' children, then 'we' are absolutely correct and no amount of information can ever disprove 'us'." - Cult logic
>it's the deliberate misleading
What they're doing now is what results when they can't physically destroy human beings, buildings or paper/video publications in order to prevent the formation of information objects that grow in complexity to the point at which the system begins to reveal truths about their criminal activities done in the shadows behind government firewalls and censorship structure of information asymmetry.
Since they are now living in a world that has successfully constructed a worldwide machine/digital complex formal system with enough sophistication to uncover and spread truths previously kept hidden, this is why 'they are becoming more and more noticed as implementing a coordinated global censorship/attack truth seeking orgs pattern to maintain what is becoming more clear every day as motivated by a lust for power not truth, as if power is the only 'real' truth, while simultaneously being terrified over truth being known by the very public they're hunting. Inconsistency.
The international terrorist network is the common enemy of all humanity. It is constructed on an inconsistency so acute that when the information is put into digital form as it is now worldwide, the inconsistencies are clear as day.
With that as a battlefield, it's little wonder why we see similarly inconsistent "I am doing what I am accusing you of doing" patterns on 8kun.
Question is, who are all the LAWYERS 'representing' these rioters, because it is they who brought the REQUEST TO FREE the invaders.
That's the question.
How can poor/destitute illegal invaders suddenly organize themselves to hire sophisticated lawyers who immediately looked for a rubber stamp decision from a corrupt judge to free them?
The lawfare we're seeing of corrupt judges is a DOOR that OPENS MORE DOORS.
The same network trafficking humans worldwide, forming invading forces, is the same network with mole lawyer and judge plants ready and willing to free the criminals
The speed at which invading forces acquire legal representation that coincidentally requests and is rubber stamped by judges to let loose, INDICATES COORDINATION BETWEEN THE INVADERS AND THOSE SAME ELEMENTS OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM
For this anon, no, but since you posted in red text while thinking about mental illness, you need to ask yourself if you have a mental illness.
The only one suffering cognitive dissonance is you.
You can't accept the truth of what anon wrote so you attack and post deflection.
Your projected gaslighting won't work either, clown.
and here comes the clown muhjoo panic to distract and divide.
isn't that what the cult would want to happen and would want people to think and therefore tolerate and accept?
Or, are there still good elements in the legal system, that are currently under attack and targeted, that everyone should defend and want more of?
Anon doesn't believe you
Please prove every judge is immoral and corrupt first.
>does not matter
yes, it actually does, because that information would matter in demonstrating that what you asserted is in fact true.
You still haven't demonstrated proof of your claim.
That still isn't proof of your claim.
You sound scared.
And you still haven't proven your claim.
The claim that because there are identified bad elements, that allegedly all elements are bad, is the fallacy of composition.
Your claim that every judge and every lawyer is corrupt, has not been demonstrated.
Truth is, the bad elements have a pattern don't they, while the rest of the system is functioning.
Almost like Q+ and team designed it this way, to show the people.
Depends on how you define "The System".
It is worth saving America, because it's the last free nation, under heavy attack as everyone can see, which is also precisely why it should be saved. Save that which the cult attacks. Nations, children, the future.