Morning Covfefe frens.
Skipped to the end of a long bred.
Prolly missed some keks.
Morning Covfefe frens.
Skipped to the end of a long bred.
Prolly missed some keks.
Looks like Comey trusted the plan. He's still free, you see.
Looks like Maga Patriot got an upgrade. Now with moar homo.
>why do people associate covfefe with coffee?
So I could make the meme. And post it when I say good morning to muh frens.
#1 flaw is that people believe the word "Intelligence" in AI. It's a search engine with human like outputs.
Nothing more.
In this enlightened age, I wonder why they keep it a secret.
Half the world would love Obummer even more.
Can confirm
Demanding Netanyahu's removal is a valid cause. And newsworthy.
>He's Killing the Baddies
You motherfucking scumbag filth.
He's killing everything in sight.