Q posted a total ofZERO Q postson the date ofApril 1st, over the years, so I've put the results (showing ZERO Q posts) in a collage for you, attached to this post. Please note that even though there wereZERO Q postson the date ofApril 1st, I’m providing this collage, anyway, because previously (i.e., on other dates where there were ZERO Q posts, I’ve noticed that President Trump sent out Truth(s) (on TruthSocial.com) using the word ZERO (in all caps).
In other words, though there were ZERO Q posts on today’s date, what the Hell do we have to lose by documenting that fact? Nothing.
LINK - https://qalerts.app/?q=APR+01
ARCHIVE - https://archive.is/wip/BASos
NOTEAlso, for posterity, I’m posting all10 Q postscontaining the phraseAPRIL SHOWERSso we can best prepare.
LINK - https://qalerts.app/?q=april+showers
ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/gK9dz
Keep lawfully fighting these evil pieces of worthless trash, lads, and I will, too.
God bless all of us who are fighting, and God, please, bless all the souls of our loved ones whom we've lost.