So the government wants google to tell them who is watching certain vids, you the Anons know that now correct?
So I have a couple computers in the house. One one I am signed into YT. On the other, I use to be but I did an erase of all info browsing stuff. I got lazy and didn't go pull the info from the other computer(which I didn't clean) .
This morning I signed into the cleaned up computer. I had it set up to go to what I last had open. I had multiple windows open. My Brave browser immediately closed down. Tried 2 other times, same thing. As soon as it started loading pages, the browser shut down.
So I went to a clean browser page and started adding pages back and low and behold! As soon as I tried loading the YT page, my browser was shut down.
Now I can understand them kicking me to the street because I wasn't signed in, but to close my browser? Can they even do that legally? They can control my computer?