TY ghost baker!
>anyone got odds on the "red heifers" sacrifice actually being red haired human girls (goyim=cattle)
I see where you're going with this, but it's well-known that dipshits in my home state of Texas apparently bred "red heifers" specifically for muh "Greatest Ally" (tm).
Old sauce: https://www.oneforisrael.org/news/the-astonishing-significance-of-red-heifers-in-our-day/
Recent Sauce: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-war-hamas-red-heifers-from-texas-jerusalem-jewish-temple-al-aqsa/
It's not surprising, though, to see them attempting to desecrate the ginger mound.
Sauce that shit, Nigga!
Oy vey!
Yeah, they lose their fucking minds when you point out the supremacist nature of their religious beliefsโฆ..
>Israel should be allowed to genocide anyone, anytime, because of muh 6 gorillion Holocaust?
Funny how that works, huh? It's like that stupid story about muh "Miss Israel 2021" (tm) getting attacked at a pro-Palestinian rally in NYC. She showed up with 9 or 10 other people, they started singing Yiddish songs and she was "proudly" displaying muh "Star of David" (tm), but starts kvetching when they slapped her upside the head with a 2x4. Small group goes to "protest" larger group, antagonizes larger group, gets attack and then cries foul about it?
>There are good patriotic Jewish soldiers who are fighting evil every day.
Waitโฆ. are these "patriotic Jewish soldiers" the ones that claim they are the "Chosen Ones" (tm) by "Divine Right" and the rest of us "beasts in human form to serve the Jews?" (tm) The Judaic religion, itself, is the anti-thesis to everything the Constitution stands for. There's no such thing as a "Patriot Jew." If there was, they would considering themselves American, before "ethno-religious" ideology.
>You're only persuading more anons to support the saving of Israel the nation.
Beg to differ. More and more people are waking up to the supremacist religious views most Jews partake in.
>There are only individual people, each with their own ideas, thoughts and actions.
There seems to be a bit of a commonality among these "individual people" you keep talking about (picrel)
See, I abhor all forms of supremacy. Including the Jewish one. You, on the other hand, appear to have no problem with Jewish supremacy.
Quoth you: The truth about (you) is obvious.
>It's not working, clowns.
Projection at it's finest. If it "wasn't working" you wouldn't be here to adamantly tell me "it wasn't working." We see you, Shill.
>It doesn't matter how much truth you show the Jews
I don't give a fuck about them. They made their choice believing in their bullshit supremacist religious dogma. You reap what you so.
It's the normies, who have absolutely no clue, how supremacist they truly are, that I'm worried about.
>>20663150 (me)
FBI wasn't even involved in this one. This was all DHS/DOJ. Mayorkas and Garland called the ball on the raid, not Wray.
>correction 10pm. Forgot about DST in my conversion.
Pssh. No bangers and mash for you, Son.
>all religions are inherently supremacist as they think they are the only ones that are ever correct.
Correction. AllAbrahamicreligions are inherently supremacist. While Organized Religion is a disease upon humanity, it's the Abrahamic Triumvirate that's mainly responsible for the world's atrocities. Isn't it rather ironic they all come from the same branch, yet all claim to be "Chosen by God" (tm) and must destroy non-believers? Seems to me none of them have it right.
It amazes me that normies haven't clued into the kosher part of th e raid. Everyone I know who is talking about it is completely oblivious to that fact. They all think it was an FBI raid.
>no, you are.
>all people who post tripe like you do are inherently supremacist and think themselves better than other religious groups, right?
I'm not the one that says I'm "superior" to you 'cos my invisible god said so, now am I?
>That's true about atheism too.
Not really. You're projecting. You want to have "faith" in something beyond us, it's one thing. To shackle yourself to a dogma, written by men, claiming to "talk to God," you're asking to be mocked. Those beliefsendwith you.
>And true about 'anti-religious' satanism and communism.
Kek and where does the word "Satan" come from again? Which religious group claims there's a "Satan?" So, what you're telling me is that Christianity is responsible for all this shit, since that's their "bad guy." We don't need to bother with Communism. We all know which group created it.
>The religion of Anti-Abrahamic religion is supremacist and the religion of the NWO cult that is responsible for most of the evils you project onto God fearing religions.
Please use proper grammatical structure. This comment makes absolutely no sense. I thought the "NWO Cult" was "Satanic" (tm) which would tie them directly to Christianity?
>I never said any of what you are trying to tag onto me, anon.
Quoth you: No, YOU are. That's a REEEEEEE, newfag.
>you're a division shill and have no love in your methods, do you?
And you're projecting (again.)
>there you are acting all superior
I've never once said I was "Superior" to anyone. That's just more projection from you.
>ignoring our humanity
"Our humanity?" I did nothing of the sort. Again, projection.
>God-given loving natures.
Ah, so you're saying your incapable of love without God? How small-minded of you.
>you probably drive away good people who would otherwise be a benefit to you.
A "benefit?" I don't use other people, Anon. That may be (YOUR) way. It's not mine.
>your absolutest 'all blah are blah-blah' is like stock supremicism.
Kek. Rich coming from someone who can't even spell "supremacism."
>You've reduce billions of people to a false conculsion.
I did nothing of the sort. I don't have a problem with people worshiping invisible Deities. I grew up playing Dungeons & Dragons. It's when religious zealots start projecting their beliefs upon others, when I start having a problem and you Abrahamic do that in spades.
>>20663270 (me)
>Ah, so you're saying your incapable of love without God?
*You're. Sorry Grammar Kitty. It slipped past me.
>I do not "want" faith in something beyond us
Yet you believe in a "God?"
>No, they start and continue with me, they don't end with me.
Actually, they do. Sure, you might find other individuals who are like-minded, but not everyone believes what you do. That doesn't stop you, however, from projecting your bullshit beliefs upon other people when they don't agree with you. Whatever happened to "Free Will?" I have a choice, do I not. Oh, wait. I don't. I forgot.
Exodus 34:14 "For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God."
No thanks, Anon. I'll pass.
>For you to project your own "I am God" psychosis onto Anon
Ironic for you to use the term "project." Show me anywhere I said "I am God." I'll wait.
>They are anti-Christian.
And how do you know this? Are you one of them? Man, your hubris is as bad as Rabbi Boteach.
Thanks, Anon. I wanted to confirm after checking stock index. o7