Individuals in the FBI violated the rights of The People. You can't arrest the FBI, but you can arrest those individuals. Stop letting individuals hide behind governments and corporations.
Good cops? Prove it. POLICE YOUR RANKS
Individuals in the FBI violated the rights of The People. You can't arrest the FBI, but you can arrest those individuals. Stop letting individuals hide behind governments and corporations.
Good cops? Prove it. POLICE YOUR RANKS
US Civil War (it was actually a revolution)
Abraham Lincoln issues General Order 100
Also known as the Lieber Codes Defining who was an enemy combatant and how the military was to deal with them and how it was to act in enemy territory.
The US "Civil War" changed our form of government from a state superior/federal inferior form of government to a federal superior/state inferior form of government. That was a revolution.
Has General Order 100 ever been rescinded?
Poor old Abe didn't get a chance to.
Lincoln's job was to ensure domestic tranquility, not gather state against state in a national war. Those people back then were Indian fighters and quick to grab a musket and fight. Even a president could be tricked into "getting his blood up" and rushing to war. I think Lincoln was being steered in a direction.
Calling a child an it is dehumanizing it. Making the child a thing, not a human with God-given rights. The same way they like to call humans animals. Animals don't have God-given rights
December 20, 1860 South Carolina seceeded from the Union. The Constitution was a contract between the states. SC broke that contract and the Union was dissolved. The other southern states started seceeding when it became evident that Lincoln was forming an army from state militias to attack SC. The state of SC ordered the federal government to vacate the port of Charleston. They refused, so SC fired on the trespassers squatting at Fort Sumter..
Needs more big ol' socialist titties.
Every1 loves them big ol' socialist titties.
The voodoo the joodoo to yootoo.