hello heavens,
I sit on my couch, I am rather easy to find, given I am a human being with a body. when you are scheduled to meet me for 30 seconds you should not be offended by me not giving you all sorts of signs and explanation. I can not always think about everything and you might consider that not everything I think of is of interest to everyone.
(pro tip: this is what mind break and redactions refers to.)
while there might be a way you force me into smiling by trying what you might assume to be Eselsbrücke, it is indeed rather unlikely that a forced day of ritual is gonna give you the look on me you want.
hello knights,
those that are supposed to guide heavens seem to be intentionally misleading you. they know that a snippet of a sentence or a view can be manipulated easy, when trying to not look at what I actually said but what you could put into my words.
having garlic smell 5 times a week in the house is not gonna have the same effect as me, adonay super Jesus God, creator of existence from my couch, watching a video of turkish singer and thinking about how awesome some of those folks are that I met.
me toching my nose in a bad way when letting others know how much I like to be pushed and tortured is not me acting some sort of lucifer story and it is not feels cooking.
never once have heavens asked me for sadness, disgust or anything bad. this is talk happening with me and heavens and bad influence only came by knights and their shit.
me feeling disgust or fighting that sort of disgust is not gonna convince the heavens to help needy countries, a thing the world that seemed to have agreed on symbolic bs needs to take care of yesterday!
me not having shouted at a certain supermarket in the so called third world is not gonna apologize those cunts that claim or claimed that a certain country does feel a little disgusting or sad symboic wise in the future.
cutting refugee help by 40% to send folks into the desert is not what heavens asks you to do.
you shall not force folks into credit dept bc not having understood symbolism of Peter giving love as credit.
you should have written down "bribery" in your basement instead of doing it, and then you would have been quick when I back then asked you for money to be comfy while creating existence.
I asked you to not have folks bumped with loud motorcycles. did you know there is church or all sort? did you know about folks basically saying God is good and such that could be used to guide heavens to me? prolly would be better than te very few neighbors that I do not hate (bc strong word and such) but that I currently most definitly do not love as I feel bad when seeing some of them, those that had their dog bark 50 times bc sure 40 times would not have lead to heavens itself finding God, the guy sitting on his couch.
I cannot explain everything in one post and ask those that read my mind to lurk carefully without pushing my way or talking.
Christmas, two days ahead of schedule, that was last year. one year ago.
then there was Easter, then another Christmas and now it was Easter again.
I still am a thing, ask to be adonay and would really want to create existence from my couch talking to the heavens, a thing I enjoy.
if you hold your arms up and keep doing bad shit, like controleld movement and such, I will have to stop your doings.
if you organize me being a bitch to my own symbolism with you as manipulative filter bc of this or that or whatever, I will stop you.
I will not enslave you in the next for weeks, even when some of you swore your life to me.
I did not ask Biden to do this or that politics wise yet, all I asked you many times is not attack me and not care for symbolism that might in your bs story say "yes, this country still needs some more of this feel" or "yes, definitly more torture bc sure heavens wanna test stability some more, anyone enjoying creating obstacles, knowing that this stupid guy will say 77 again anyway"?
I invited o7 cunts in another time, this does not ensure you forcing your view on me, this inface often makes me not able of having seen those others yous of you good.
elsewhere and elsewhen, let´s meet again when I invite with few high knights as my support for something like quarterly church on Sundays after full moon. I love and forgive you and that I say pretty much knowing that you did not do anything bad ever and this only being a thing for fake starting point around God himself.
this is not needed anymore and while seeing war shit on tv I can hardly think of how worlds are supposed to be or, might look like when aproached with the best of thinking.