True, got interrupted, rarely do I make jokes and now I know why.
Yes, I know, but those people did not looked worried at all. In reality, whether a plane, train, or bus, people just sit there as if it is going to safer doing that then something else. What people should really do in a crisis situation like that is stand up and reinforce the structure. Think about it.
>Lauren Boebert (R) underwent emergency surgery today for a blood clot in her leg
Hope she watches the board because leg clots are also caused by the DS new radiation weapons and is the most likely clause. She is too young to be getting clots. Another sign was her complaining about her shoes, this is another sign, pain in the feet and the tips of the toes; all signs of targeting. We know by experience.
Hope that helps.
>Thanks, Jesus, keep us posted.
Not a joke, CERN was taken down before. The problem is is that most do not understand what the anti-Christ is, they just want to create doubts.